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It’s been rather a wild week and very cold. The sun has been shining most days, and it is getting warm. It is especially noticeable if you find a sheltered corner out of the wind. Many of the larger trees are bursting with buds; you can see them shining red in the sunlight, and much of the snow has melted. Even those days when it never got above zero, the sun was warm enough to melt some snow and ice and left puddles in the yard.

This coming weekend we go to Daylight Saving Time! I wish we would stick to one or another though; there really is no need for the change anymore because it doesn’t give us any more time. There will always be 24 hrs in a day even though some days it seems a lot less than that!

Another good thing set to happen this week is those over 80 years of age can sign up for an appointment to get their first vaccine shot. Perhaps we will all have done it by the time you read this, although I would much prefer to get it at my doctor’s office or the pharmacy. The main thing is that we get it! Many other, much younger people have already received it, and of course, those in long-term care or other facilities. Hopefully, in a few months, most people will be protected. However, we won’t be getting the second shot until July at least!

Prayers and best wishes go out to those sick friends in various ways, none with COVID, fortunately now, but who are dealing with various illnesses. COVID has made it worse in some cases because hospitals have had to make choices, but that too will soon be eased, it is hoped. Now that there are plenty of different vaccines soon available, no one should be left out! Just keep up the routine for a bit longer!

Birthday wishes go out to Diane Payne, the former Diane Pugh. Diane and husband Randy are great at making all kinds of crafts they sell at various shows worldwide. Since most shows were cancelled last year, they have a goodly supply, but their creativity never stops!

Ken Maynard also had a birthday. Ken is one of the top firefighters in the Uxbridge Brigade and has always worked hard to keep up on all the latest maneuvers. I am sure mother Alma is very proud of him!

Another young man we are all proud of is Dan Moore, also celebrating a birthday. Dan has accomplished much to overcome difficulties and continues to run his farm and wife Sarah exceptionally.

Joel Speers is another young fellow whose name is familiar to most of the township. He has been involved in so many groups over the years; I think he is always willing to help when there is a need. Happy birthday to him and to anyone else who has celebrated this week! Better things are coming!

This past Sunday was the 3rd Sunday of Lent, halfway to Easter already! Most services I listened to chose their text from John 2:13-22, which is generally referred to as Jesus cleansing the temple. Each one came at it differently, but all brought it down to our own temple, our lives, and how we act. Some churches are contemplating going back to in-person worship, but that will not be happening for a bit yet in our congregations. There will be a manse Committee, Official Board meeting soon, by zoom, and all members are invited to give their opinions in return for Karen’s letter.

Friday was World Day of Prayer. Usually, the women of the various congregations gather in an interdenominational service, but this could not happen.

The United Church presented a service in which various congregations and denominations took part. The country on which the messages were the focus was Vanuatu, a rather exotic country for most of us but not one of the more affluent nations.

Even though there is not much education, especially for girls, rising sea levels are threatening their shores and other negative situations; their churches seem to be doing well. It was enlightening to see how they live and work. You should be able to find the service on YouTube for some time.

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