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Epsom & Utica news

by Faye Ashton

I hope Mother’s Day was special for all mothers in our reading area. I saw the male hummingbird the day after the Oriole arrived last week and now they are often sharing the hummingbird nectar feeder which I don’t recall them doing last year.

Still a bit wet but I managed to plant the cool vegetables this week. Feels good.

Last Wednesday night the Port Perry High School music night was a fantastic evening of coral singing , along with the Senior wind Ensemble, Junior Concert band, Jazz band and 2 smaller groups harmonizing. My hats off to the teachers who guide these students in such a professional way. It truly was a marvellous concert.

There is a prayer breakfast at Mill Run Golf Course on May 22nd at 7am. Dan Carter Mayor of Oshawa is guest speaker. All for $25.

The Seagrave church are holding their annual yard sale the last weekend of May at the Somerville farm. Come, look and find a treasure you have always been looking for.

Everyone is welcome to a “Spring Fling Brunch “ in the lower room at Epsom church on Saturday June 1st,10 a.m. Come and enjoy the company of neighbours. A free will offering will be received….On June 2nd the Breadalbane Presbyterian Church at Utica are holding their annual decoration service at 2:30 p.m. and on June 9th the Hillman and Kendall cemetery decoration takes place at the Utica United Church at 2 p.m.

Have you heard Irwin Smith sing the hilarious song about a squirrel in the church. Tommy A. discovered one live and one dead red squirrel in the narthex this week and he had a rodeo to get the squirrel out. Seems it couldn’t find the open door.

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