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Blackstock news

by Janet Van Camp

Blackstock Agricultural Society’s Annual General Meeting had an excellent turnout for their potluck dinner, meeting, and slide presentation given by Marilyn Pearce of the Lake Scugog Historical Society. People enjoyed seeing the newly-digitalized photographs, taken by George Dunbar, of the Fair during the 1960s-1990s and trying to identify some of the people in those photos. A special thank you to Marilyn for sharing some of the history of our Fair.

Results from the first schedule of the Blackstock Curling Club are as follows:

1st Team Larmer (Craig Larmer, Mary Finer, Brigid Fisher, Heather Muir)

2nd Team Bryant (Eric Bryant, Steve Bailey, Michelle O’Donohoe, Joe O’Donohoe)

3rd Team Kadowaki (Doug Kadowaki, Karen Kadowaki, John Taylor, Janet Van Camp/Jeff Norris)

There will be an important congregational meeting to discuss the next steps and proper procedure in determining the future of Blackstock Nestleton United Church on Thursday, February 8th, at 7 p.m., at the Church. Your input, comments, and suggestions are welcome.

Blackstock Euchre

1. Dinny Oosterholt. 2. Patrice McIntosh. 3. Ellen Gibson. 4. Norm Lackner. 5. Val Priebe. Most lone hands: Ellen Gibson. Hidden score: Marion Koppens, Marg Cayer. Low: Chris McClure.

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