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Zephyr & Sandford news

by Pat Asling

Birds, grass and flowers have inundated us. It would certainly be beautiful if it was just let up in the rain to let us catch up with the work necessary to get things cleaned up. The birds are singing, the frogs are singing, and the trees are leafing out at a rapid rate. Every day, there is something new to exclaim over, and if you miss a day, there is just so much to see and photograph the next.

A couple of weeks ago, Alayna Mathewson, Ruth Baker's granddaughter who plays her violin along with her grandmother most Sundays, informed us of a project she was involved in with the Baptist Church, their Heart to Heart Mission to Fort Hope, 360 km north of Thunder Bay. Her dad was also going along. Alayna was part of a small group who would be teaching music and she was asking for donations to buy musical instruments for the community as well as help pay for transportation. This Sunday she informed that thanks to our generous contributions, enough had been raised to cover what they had hoped for. We should all feel proud of our community's support. But I am sure if anyone else wished to contribute to the cause, a cheque can be sent to the Uxbridge Baptist Church with a note about this project.

Deborah and Dwight Clements have had a busy fall and winter with family, a new granddaughter and that family moving and then lately the two of them were visiting in Japan for three weeks, which happens to be Dwight's birth place. They had not been there for a long time and really enjoyed the visit, as most people would. Sorry to say that Jenny van Maurik is still quite ill as a result of shingles, even though she had the vaccine. Best wishes for a speedier recovery. We miss her. Bob Kirvan reported that the Horseshoe Pitching resumed at the Uxbridge Scott Museum last Tuesday night with 20 people signing up. Unfortunately the ground was too wet to actually play the game but I am sure everyone enjoyed catching up on each other's activities. We appreciate everyone's participation and look forward to the next event. Pitch night is every Tuesday, at 6 p.m., for six months. The cost is $30 which also gives you membership to the Historical Society. Both men and women are welcome.

This past weekend Uxperience presented four concerts, Thursday, Friday and two on Saturday, a lot of activity for the performers. A number of local people were in attendance. Lisa Lockerby was one of the many stars of the show. On Friday night also the "Friday night at the Foster" season kicked off. With about 80 people in attendance it was an excellent start. DJango Djunkies, four men who have performed many times in this venue, were the entertainers and did not disappoint, getting a standing ovation at the end. Next week another perennial performer takes the stage in the person of Garth Dynes, a Blues singer, a songwriter singer of roots romantic. Doors open 7 p.m., performance at 7:30 p.m. and admission by donation at the door. All donations go to maintenance of the building.

Happy anniversary of Gord and Karen Marjaraj Shreeve who celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary this past week. Gord is not only our councillor but pastor of the Zephyr Missionary Church and active in many community activities. Karen loves to cook and sell her cookware products. Happy birthday to another of Hugh and Marcie Clarks lovely daughters, Violet this time and another party for sure since each of these young ladies is unique. Birthday wishes also to Mark Johnson. Mark is an ambitious young man and will certainly accomplish whatever he strives for. Birthday wishes also to Laura (Cordingley-Jack) Hansen. She and Brett recently returned from a wonderful tour of East Africa involving a number of countries, a never to be forgotten trip I am sure. Another couple taking an unforgettable tour is Jennifer Neveu-Campsall and hubbie Scott who are off to Rome and the area. Jennifer is taking a break for her group Northern Trails Vocal Connection which will be performing at St. Andrews Presbyterian on June 8th at 7:30 p.m. and June 9th at 3 p.m. Get your tickets early. Birthday wishes also go to Carolyn Dane Knight. Carolyn lived in Uxbridge for many years but moved to Sunderland and now shares a building with her daughter.

Our sympathies to the family and friends of Robt. Hugh Dobson known as Hugh. The Dobson family lived in the area we always called Bethesda as they were associated with the Bethesda Church and school so I knew them from when I was young, went to high school with Hugh. His mother and sisters, Mary Jean and Barbara were all teachers and well known in the area.

On Wednesday, May 8th, at the Uxbridge Horticultural Group, Jukia Dimakos," Gardening Girl," will talk about "Tea Gardening for Beginners", about planting in small spaces and harvesting over a longer period of time, intercropping, companion planting etc. Socializing at 7 p.m., meeting at 7:30 p.m., and if you are showing plants, be there by 6:30 p.m. to set up. The Uxbridge Genealogy group will meet on May 16th at 7 p.m. at the library, probably on Zoom. More info next week. North Durham Nature meets on May 28th at Scugog Library. Jay Thibert will talk about his adventures on the Bruce Trail, just one of the many trips he and his wife Bev have made over the years.

Keep in mind the Lucy Maud Montgomery Society and their on-going fund raising project for a number of up-grades to the heritage church and the increased grounds. Your support is crucial in making these upgrades possible. Also, on June 15th, the Gardens of Uxbridge Tour will take place, the 28th anniversary. An added event to the day is a talk by Rick Gray on native Plants at 4 p.m. that day. Tickets for the tour, and the talk with several perks, are $50 and can be ordered online. Tickets for just the day can be found on the QR code on the poster and are $25.

Darlene Hallett led church this Sunday with the theme of love. We sang some old favourites with new words, including" Jesus Loves me this I know, though my hair be white as snow" and "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine." A fun service with Ruth and Alayna with their beautiful music. Next week, Carol O'Neil will be with us, and sadly, it will be her final time with us in the foreseeable future as in July, we will have a "permanent" full-time minister for at least six months. Please join us at 10 a.m.

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