by Lauren Walker
My art work has been rejected many times. I didn’t make it in the 2023 OAA Juried show but my piece, “Queen St, Port Perry in the early 1900’s” won an award of excellence, at the show in 2024. Ironically enough, this award winning piece was rejected at two local juried shows later that year.
A very common question is, “Why does my work get rejected?” Its hard to really know what is in the mind of a judge because their viewpoint is as different as they are. I decided to do some hands on research, to get an inside look as how art work is judged.
56th Annual Oshawa Artist Association Juried Show
Just like fellow artists, I am a member of multiple art groups. This year, as an Oshawa Artist Association Member, I am co-chairing the 56th Annual OAA juried show, at the McLaughlin Gallery. It’ll be an opportunity to learn what the judges look for and how their individual opinion effects overall selection. You can submit your artwork for consideration, so your best bet is to, head to the OAA website for info.
Keep trying
You cannot be deterred by one person’s opinion. If that were the case, I would have given up. If you’re happy with your work, that’s all that matters.
It’s a gamble to enter your work in to juried shows. You cannot take rejection personally because it’s not. A judge is not out to get you. It seems to come to down to what he/she likes. Keep trying, and you may just wind up winning an award of excellence.
Port Perry Artists Association
I am proud to announce the Port Perry Artists Association will present a group display at the Whitby Public Library, this February, so please go check it out or go to www.ppartistsassociation.com
Happy painting!