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The Artist Within by Lauren Walker

Great things are happening and I’m so pleased to share my adventures. I’ve been busy chasing my dreams!

The Port Perry Artists Association at The Station Gallery

I’m so proud to share that our group has a display from October 14th to November 25th at The Station Gallery in Whitby. Our opening reception on October 14th was a great success. Our thanks to Olex at the Station Gallery and our PPPA member Brad Dusto for co-ordinating to help make this happen. Please visit the gallery to see amazing work by local artists, including myself.

Port Perry Artists Association Fall Show

Our next show is coming up on Saturday November 11th and Sunday, November 12th from 10am to 4pm. Join us at the Scout Hall at 15585 Simcoe St in Port Perry. I’ll have work for sale and as well, my latest Christmas ornament design will be on display. I’ll have my newest Christmas card design available. This event is free and fully accessible.

Port Perry Christmas ornaments

My design sold out early last year and my latest design will sell out fast this year! These 2.75 inch metal ornaments are for sale at All Fit All Ages Gym in the Food Basics plaza. I made 200 of each design which feature local landmarks. I have two designs available for purchase.

Thank you to all those who pre-ordered my ornaments. I have sold half my stock already. I have limited stock so I suggest you contact me asap before they sell out.

I will apply to the Station Gallery Juried Show and I’ve also applied to the Durham Traffic Signal Box project. If I get in you’ll see my work on traffic boxes around Durham Region.

As always, Happy painting!

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