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Splash pad in Uxbridge reopening soon

Uxbridge Splash Pad temporarily shutdown, while the water restrictions are in effect. Uxbridge is hopeful this will only be for a day or two.

COURTNEY McCLURE for The Standard

UXBRIDGE: There may be another way for kids in Uxbridge and the surrounding areas to stay cool this summer. Although there is no official date yet, Hunter Jarvis, from the Township of Uxbridge, said they expect the Uxbridge Bonner Boys splash pad to be opened this Friday. “The splash pad is a staple in the summer,” explained Ms. Jarvis. “Many children, youths and families take advantage of this fun cooling spot.” The Township of Uxbridge is in the process of reopening as well. The Parks and Recreation department, which governs the splash pad’s reopening is working closely with the Durham Public Health department to make sure they can reopen safely. Ms. Jarvis echoed that need, to ensure the safety of anyone who may be using the splash pad. Outdoor recreation water facilities are allowed to open according to the Ontario’s stage 2 re-opening plan. The Durham Public Health department has set out multiple guidelines for users and township staff members to follow when re-opening. These guidelines apply to all splash pads opening across Durham Region and are not strictly limited to the Uxbridge splash pad itself. The splash pad must be able to maintain people keep a six foot or two metre distance, as has been continually ordered during the pandemic. High contact climbing equipment will not be permitted for use. Signage must also be posted with the splash pads capacity limit, which will be based on its physical design. Signs will be posted informing parents they are responsible for ensuring their children are maintaining physical distancing from one another and they are also washing their hands. Residents are encouraged to keep up to date, by following the Township of Uxbridge’s Facebook page, said Ms. Jarvis. They can also check the Uxbridge township’s website frequently, so they do not miss an update regarding re-openings of local businesses or activities. The splash pad is located at the Uxbridge Arena and Community Centre. This is the only splash pad in Uxbridge, built seven years ago in 2013, in a collaborative effort between The Township of Uxbridge, a local charity called Bonner Boys and the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Each season, a private contractor takes care of opening and closing the splash pad. During a typical year, the pad opens for the summer in June and closes sometime in September; it is up to the Parks and Recreation department of Uxbridge, Ms. Jarvis explained.

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