What a beautiful sunny day for the Annual Santa Claus Parade in Toronto. Santa is a very busy man right now with all the parades taking place. Lake Scugog has a thin coat of ice, as does the Nonquon River. But it is not safe enough for anyone to walk on. Be patient! Happy Anniversary to Glenda and Bert Hutcheon (November 20th), Happy Birthday wishes to Wendy Hudgins (November 23rd), and Wyn Hughes (November 24th). Sending out prayers to those who are ill and not feeling well. We hope that they will soon feel better. Our sympathy to the family on the passing of Noel Phayre, who resided in the Greenbank area. His celebration of life service was held at Wagg’s Chapel in Port Perry, Tuesday, November 19th . Seagrave parishioners worshiped with Greenbank United Church along with Sunderland, Vroomanton, Utica, Epsom and Goodwood in “Celebration of their 123rd Anniversary”. There were several birthdays and anniversaries also being celebrated. Minister Stephanie, Rev. Les Hills of Sunderland, and Alex Jebson all participated in the service. Alex Jebson is a student minister at Epsom and Utica and was the guest speaker. He spoke about marking time with appreciation and the years we spend together are precious. The choir sang a meaningful version of Bless This House and the children sang Jesus Loves Me. The Communion service was based on “The Song of Faith”. Mary Jane Till presented Valerie Hunter with a gift of appreciation in honour of her 32 years as a faithful and devoted volunteer, supporter and secretary. Deb Ward has been commissioned to make a clergy gown for Stephanie’s ordination service in the spring of 2020. Mark your Calendars for these events: November 21st – 7:00 p.m. Ginny Colling will speak on the climate crisis at Greenbank Church. November 24th – 9:15 a.m. Mission Sunday Service. November 26th – 7:00 p.m. Seagrave Congregational Meeting in the Friendship Hall to discuss the future ministry of our church and to vote on pursuing Stephanie as our minister. Please note, all congregation members are welcome to attend, however only those in full membership are eligible to vote. Contact Terry or Tara with questions and concerns, at 905-985-9479. November 28th – Let’s Talk About! Scripture to be discussed Luke 1:39-80. December 1st – 9:15 a.m. First Sunday of Advent and Communion. December 8th – 9:15 a.m. White Gift Sunday. Please bring mitts, hats, scarves, work socks with wool for men and women to be donated to St. Vincent’s in Oshawa for those in need. December 8th – 3:00 p.m. A Christmas Carol Reading at St. Andrews United Church, Sunderland. Tickets are $20. Following the reading of Dicken’s Classic will be a reception of cider, tea, coffee and snacks. Please make a donation of a non-perishable food item.
December 10th – 12 p.m., “Out to Lunch” in the Friendship Hall. The menu is as follows: casseroles, salads and Christmas Pudding. There will be entertainment, carol singing and door prizes. A free will offering and/or donations to the Scugog Food Bank will be gratefully accepted. The Food Bank can always use paper products. To reserve a seat, call Jean at 905-985-9921 or email grammiejean2010@hotmail.com. December 11th – 7:30 p.m. is a Tinsel and Tears service at Greenbank Church. December 14th – 8:30 a.m. “Men’s Group Breakfast” at the Blue Heron Casino. Stephanie’s office hours at Seagrave are on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. If you wish to make an appointment call 905-718-8086 or email ssutchrichmond@gmail.com. If you wish to rent the Friendship Hall, please call Rick at 905-985-8383 or email barberick@sympatico.ca. If you have any items for this news column, please email grammiejean2010@hotmail.com, or call Jean at 905-985-9921.