SHIRLEY LOVE Special to The Standard
SCUGOG: A great evening at the December meeting where members enjoyed a most delicious pot-luck supper. Awards were given out, and an election held for the Officers for 2020. Because of weather, and as some members come from a good distance, the Club does not hold meetings during January and February. However, the Board will be busy planning next year’s Programs, Shows and Yearbook. There are twelve Garden Clubs/ Horticultural Societies in our District 17 of the Ontario Horticultural Association. Each District must hold an Annual General Meeting. Pine Ridge Garden Club will host it next April. This is a big undertaking and our Board will be quite busy planning this meeting. We will need members’ help to make this all day event a success. New members are always welcome. For the low cost of $15 per single and $20 per family you get ten very informative meetings and a most enjoyable evening. For more information on this very active Club please call Shirley at 905-986-5330 or email her at The Club’s website is Merry Christmas and Happy Gardening.