With the cancellation of all events and the majority of church services, our connection with one another is now by phone, Facebook or messaging. We are thankful we have these devices. Gremlins got into the news last week, so a correction is needed. Bethesda-Reach WI has postponed the April Fashion Show and Luncheon until the current health worries have settled down. Thankful that most vacationers are back home, most of them earlier than planned but safe. Industries are stepping up to help here at home as the Dairy Farmers of Ontario are donating and $100,000 to Ontario Food Banks. Distilleries in York, Durham and Peterborough are considering stopping the production of alcohol, to drink, and switch to producing hand sanitizers for front-line workers. We applaud these and any others who have given so much. There is no church service at Epsom United Church until further notice. Check the Epsom-Utica Facebook page for a beautiful rendition of “May Sunshine Light Your Way” sung by Jennifer Neveu-Campsall. Now is the time to trust our medical experts and have faith that God will keep us well through these difficult times. Submit your news items to faye.eaglesnest@gmail.com.