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NORTH DURHAM: Durham Region, and all eight municipalities in the region are inviting residents to celebrate Canada Day on a virtual, online basis. According to the Mayor of Scugog, Bobbie Drew, the township of Scugog is happy to be cooperating with Durham Region to host this event. “We look forward to celebrating together, as one big community,” she said. “We are so grateful that the area municipalities and Region of Durham have come together, to provide a virtual celebration for all residents throughout Durham, to enjoy on Canada day during this pandemic,” stated Mayor Debbie Bath Hadden, of the Township of Brock. Mayor Dave Barton of the Township of Uxbridge expressed his gratitude to the other municipalities in Durham and to the region with the following statement, “What a perfect way to celebrate together, while remaining apart. See you on Canada Day!” Residents are asked to tune into Canada Day the Durham Way, on Monday, July 1st. The event will start at 2 p.m. and end at 5 p.m., highlighting unique attractions and local talent, according to the region of Durham’s website. The Canada Day event will be available for people to watch through our website: thestandardnewspaper.ca, Facebook Live and other respective municipal online pages. While social distancing during this event, Durham Region encourages residents to post photos on Twitter and Facebook under the hashtag #Durhamstrong. In addition, to connect over Canada Day celebrations more locally, residents can send photos to us at this address: office-standard@powergate.ca to be posted on our website and selected photos will be chosen to be published in the following week’s Standard Newspaper. They are also asking residents to tag Durham Region at their Twitter handle @RegionofDurham or your local municipality. By doing this, residents will have a chance to get their photos featured via their local municipalities’ social media account.