by Janet Van Camp
I hope you are enjoying this real winter weather. I have just returned from a weekend of cross-country skiing in Bruce County, and, let me tell you, there is lots of snow there. My grandsons were in awe of the mountains of snow in the parking lots. Those piles are about 20 feet high! It certainly brought back memories of the winters I remember growing up in nearby Grey County.
Congratulations to Harvey Graham, who recently celebrated his 90th birthday.
Sympathy is extended to the family of Wilma (Toms) Van Camp, who passed away last week.
Students at local schools enjoyed a day off last week as Friday was a P.A. Day. The next holiday will be Family Day Weekend.
If you have recently moved into this community, welcome. If you are looking to meet new people, there are many local organizations which might fill that need. The Lions Club and the Agricultural Society are two which come to mind. All are welcome to attend Coffee Drop-Ins at the Blackstock-Nestleton United Church on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month from 10-11:30 a.m.