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Zephyr & Sandford Sept. 28

By Pat Asling

What a lovely week as we transitioned from summer into autumn. Where did summer go is the question? Seems like only yesterday we went from Spring to summer with all its anticipation. Already we are thinking about Hallowe’en, Christmas and that other “s” word. We still have a couple of months to enjoy nice weather and the trees are just beginning to change their colours, and pumpkins of all colours and shapes are everywhere!

Happy belated birthday to Fred Wilson who was 91 a week or so ago, celebrating with many family members. Fred now lives with son Don and Heather north of here but I am sure his heart will always be on the 7th of Uxbridge, or Wilson Rd. as I call it!

Happy birthday wishes to Tanis Pottage Smith who celebrated her, well I won’t tell, but not as much as Fred!

Even less years were celebrated by Mike Risebrough another of the kids I used to know, all grown up with kids of their own.

Happy birthday to Donnie Ross, whose mother Laura celebrated a few days ago. Don and Gloria live in town, nominally retired but not!

Birthday greetings also to Jannine Harvey-Jackson! Janinne is the wife of Troy Jackson, whose mother Pat Bailey grew up with me.

A big greeting goes out to Mable Oldham who will celebrate her 96th birthday early this week!

Anniversary greetings go out to David and Dorina meek celebrating their 30th anniversary, another of Sandford young ones! Rob Croxall and wife Rev. Karen are celebrating their 34th year of marriage while Rob’s parent, Ted and Corinne have been married for 74 years. Fanatastic!

On Tuesday the Seniors enjoyed a lovely lunch by Mary’s Country Kitchen and a talk about the future of the new hospital, for which we are all invited to contribute generously. Unfortunately, coming home after my friend Gloria Gorman tripped on her front step and fell, doing considerable damage in various parts of her body, spending 2 days in hospital. A speedy recovery is wished for her!

Thursday evening the Uxbridge Genealogy Group met, both virtually and in person, sharing information on what sources they had found that gave them useful information in their family searches.

On Saturday a group of 16 ladies met at Wooden Sticks for a birthday party for 2 ladies whose combined age is 154. A variety of friends had an enjoyable time celebrating with Shirley Baster and Rev. Edith Ann.

Pastor/Councillor Gord Shreeve attended the Durham Agricultural Advisor Committee Farm tour, where 2 farms, one raising sheep, the other cattle, were toured. Uxbridge members are Bryant Hulshof and Bryan Smith!

Congratulations to Mike Kelland who was awarded the Best Auto Sales person for Williamsons. Mike has been a part of that business for many, many years!

Coming up, on the 26th North Durham Nature meets at Scugog library, 7PM on Tues. Sept 26. Come and learn about the birds that might come to visit us from the north during winter.

On the 28th the Bethesda Reach WI will hold their annual Dessert and Fashion Show at the Seniors building, 7PM. Tickets are $20. This is an anticipated event on many ladies calendar!

On Friday the 28th, the final Friday Concert at the Foster will be held with Mike Burns as the performer. Mike has been with us many times and is a great booster for the Friends of the Foster!

On Saturday 30th, 11AM Elgin Park a group honouring the Truth and Reconcilliation will meet. This is also Orange shirt Day. This month Community Care Lunch will be held at Douglas Crossing. If you have ever been a recipient of Community Care services call them and ask to have you name put on the list to be notified for future lunch-outs!

On Oct. 11 the Uxbridge Horticultural group meets once more. The topic for discussion that week will be arranging planters for summer gardening, something to think about over the cold months!

Looking way ahead (or so it seems) the Optimists will be holding their annual Christmas Home Tour and this year the Foster Memorial will be one of those buildings on the tour. The date will be Nov.12!

Church on Sunday was at Sandford and I was happy to conduct the service. Ruth and Alayna provide the wonderful music and my nephew Rob Ashton gave a talk about the work of the Canada Food Grain Bank’s work in the world for the hungry and the history of the Epsom Utica group in particular. Wife Allison added some interesting notes. Thanks to any who assisted in any way.

Next month we meet at Zephyr and next week, Oct. 1 following the service we will have a congregational meeting regarding the progress of the amalgamation. On Sunday I attended a wonderful song fest at St. Paul’s Anglican Uxbridge, performed by Claidhmor and Men of Note. They make beautiful music and the hall was filled with an appreciative audience. Sadly, Susan Ryman could not attend could not take part. I was looking forward to that beautiful voice.

Talking to Dr. Fred Cotie, former veterinarian of our area, I asked him how long it was since he had retired from that profession. He said 10 years! Since we had been told earlier he had sung with Claidhmore 30 years, that means maybe he sang some of his animal patients to good health!

A poem for October:

Poet: Edgar A Guest

Days are gettin' shorter an' the air a keener snap;

Apples now are droppin' into Mother Nature's lap;

The mist at dusk is risin' over valley, marsh an' fen

An' it's just as plain as sunshine, winter's comin' on again.

The turkeys now are struttin' round the old farmhouse once more;

They are done with all their nestin', and their hatchin' days are o'er;

Now the farmer's cuttin' fodder for the silo towerin' high

An' he's frettin' an' complainin' 'cause the corn's a bit too dry.

But the air is mighty peaceful an' the scene is good to see,

An' there's somethin' in October that stirs deep inside o' me;

An' I just can't help believin' in a God above us, when

Everything is ripe for harvest and the frost is back again.

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