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Zephyr & Sandford news

by Pat Asling

Beautiful September, but can you believe it's already that time of year? Fall fairs, fruit and vegetable stands, signing up for events in the coming months, and kids of all ages back to school! I have seen school buses passing already as the drivers get used to their routes and the time it takes. And don't forget, when the lights are flashing and the STOP sign is out, that means stop as kids are either getting on or off that vehicle! Also, don't forget to be careful driving behind farm machinery, which is still busily transporting wagon loads of hay and straw and large machines from farm to farm, which may be several miles apart!

Some folks need help with their gardens this year, but some delicious-looking vegetables were at the last horticultural meeting. One friend had so much blight on his tomatoes that he pulled them all up. I expect the rain we had for days in a row had something to do with that! My flowers are lovely, although my lilies are finished, and the phlox is looking the worse for wear. My tropical hibiscus are outdoing themselves, as are the perennial Rose of Sharon. The fall clematis is spreading widely, making a lovely contrast with the hydrangeas now turned deep pink. The dahlias are also doing well in spite of being in pots. Of course, if you want to bring on the rain, just decide you can't wait any longer to water them! It seldom fails!

Birthday greetings go out this week to Olivia Kokkenin, an enterprising young lady, daughter of Sylvia (Risebrough) and Derek Kokkenin. Olivia's aunt Cindy is involved with a project to raise funds for Sick Kids and has ridden her bicycle hundreds of miles and raised thousands of dollars by so doing. Happy birthday also to Elaine (Walker) Cox. Elaine is married to Murray and there has been plenty written about sons Robert, and particularly Trevor, lately. However, Elaine deserves a medal for being such a stalwart hockey mom, even as a farm wife and full-time nurse. I recall years ago her talking about being at the arena and wondering how she did it! A big congratulations to her! Best wishes also to Cameron Herrema, son of Ron and Mary Anne, grandson of Helen, who presented her with her great-grandson! Big birthday greetings to Betty (Noble)Johnson. Betty was born right here, went to Foster School ( oh yes, there was a Foster School, in the middle of what is now the cemetery) and married a Johnson, another distant relative of mine. They moved north, where he passed away several years ago. For Lisa Boyce, this is her first birthday in their new home in Wasago Beach. Both she and Conrad were immediately immersed in the theatre scene so I am sure she has many new friends and her family with whom to celebrate! Happy anniversary to Doug Ferris ( Ferrport Jazz) and his wife on their 35th anniversary. As well as being a full time minister to two congregations south of Port Perry, he and the band are extremely busy playing at various venues in the area, Fairs, etc. I'm not sure how he does it!  First anniversary wishes go out to Randy Wilson and wife Skye, although they have been together much longer than that. Randy of course, was recently guest speaker at Probus and feted for his rise in the movie making world!

Bob Kirvan reported that 14 people took part in the horseshoe pitching last week but there was a sad note as a couple of the earlier players have passed away in the recent weeks. The group meets each Tuesday night at the Uxbridge Scott Museum at 6 p.m. Oh, and have you noticed it is now dark by 8 p.m.?

On September 13th, the Scott Lions, a branch of the Udora Leaskdale Lions Club, is sponsoring another spaghetti dinner in the Zephyr Hall from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Adults 15$, 5-12 5$ and under five free. A donation of food items for local food banks would be appreciated. The first supper was a success so I am sure this will be as well. 

Friday Night at the Foster featured Jethro Haynes and his guitar and voice. This was new to me, but many in the audience braved the road, especially to see and hear him, as apparently he has played at other venues locally. It was different, but he got a standing ovation! He reminded me of Willie Nelson! Next week, September 6th is something entirely different: the York Harmony Chorus, a group of ladies singing in the barbershop style, led by our own Linda Morrison. Unfortunately, the Uxbridge Sweet Adeline's closed a few years ago, and Mill Street Men's years before that, so we have been deprived of this style for too long.

Church begins this month at Zephyr with Rev Li Armstrong leading. This is the final month of services in this church. In October, we are back in Sandford, where we will celebrate Thanksgiving, then Sandford's 173/126 (or thereabouts) anniversary on the 20th. On the 27th, we celebrate Zephyr's 140th and final anniversary at 11 a.m. service. The date for the final decommissioning service has not yet been set. Many have voiced the fact that how sad it is, and it is, but without bums in the seats, no organization, church or otherwise, can continue. People grow older, people grow tired and so we come to this! What will happen to the building has not yet been decided. There are lots of decisions for Zephyr folks to make yet and I don't envy them that task!

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