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Zephyr & Sandford news

By Pat Asling

We have had another touch of fall weather and once again the worst seems to happen on the weekend; Sunday in particular was a dreary day! However, seems like nicer weather ahead for a few day anyway, to finish up the garden chores and bring in the rest of the crops!

I have started moving some of my deck-full of plants into the house. I hate doing that and think of all the work I am making for myself but I don’t want them frozen either so little by little they will find a seat. First I have to find a place for my many buckets of apples! Most of the flowers have finished blooming but a few hang on. I have one daylily that has just lost its last blossom after a couple of months of bloom at least and Rose of Sharon and rose mallow are soon finished.

There were a number of birthday celebrations this week.

Happy birthday to Grace Evans, wife of Floyd and youngest of the 3 lovely Simpson ladies, Lois and Marie! Lois’s daughter Beth also celebrated a birthday this week. Grace and Floyd now live at Douglas Crossing.

Happy birthday also to Nan Hill! Nan and Grant were long time residents of the Zephyr area before moving into town. Son Gary was the well-know auctioneer in the area!

Happy birthday also to Darlene Hallett. Darlene and her husband live on a farm near Little Britain. Darlene is an d Lay Worship Leader (LLWL) and has taken several of our services and will be with us again in the new year!

Birthday greeting also to Marion Low! I used to see this lady quite often but haven’t for awhile now. Happy birthday also to the mayor whose mother I knew when she was a very young teen. Unfortunately she is not well I understand.

Birthday Greeting also to my former neighbor and cousin Arlene Stearman. Arlene now lives in BC and with her dad Cloyne’s passing awhile ago, probably will not be here often although brother Robert still lives around. Best wishes also to Patty Ewaschuk . Patty is half the couple who own and run Banjo cider just down the road, on the former Noble farm!

Anniversary greeting also go out the Gloria (formerly Cox) and Sandy Ewan. Gloria was raised on the farm on the 6th which brother Murray now works but she and Sandy have lived in town for many years. Many more years together!

It was very sad to read of the passing of Bill Barton. Bill grew up on the farm across the road from me and his mother was one of the first to make me welcome when I moved here. I worked for many years with Bill at St. John’s. Sister Yvonne worked in my bank and became a sorority sister of mine as well. Bill had been sick for a few months but his loss will be felt by many. Condolences to all his family and friends.

There are a couple of misinfoes! I talked about Elleanor (Ellie) Powell’s birthday being this week but it is actually in November so my (mis)informant tells me. She can celebrate twice! The other was that I said Margaret McNellie lived across the road from Zephyr church but she actually lived on the farm just outside the village. It was her sister Dorothy Curl who lived across the road. They are both distant cousins of mine!

On Tuesday a Community Care luncheon was held at Douglas Crossing. I intended to go but then found I had a medical appointment at the same time. I have not talked to anyone who was there. There will be another lunch at the Villa at the end of this month and one again in November. This Tuesday will be a Seniors lunch- will tell about that next week!

Last Thursday evening was a very interesting Pickering Naturalist meeting on zoom jam-packed with information. The North Durham Nature group will meet on the 24th at the Senior’s building, at 7 p.m., with the topic being about how wild pollinators are so important to not only our food but many other products we grow.

On Saturday evening I went with my nephew Rob Ashton, his wife Allison, my sister Faye and husband Keith Ashton to a Banquet of thanks by the Canadian Food Grains Bank organization, celebrating 40 years of operation in trying to overcome food hunger around the world. It was a very interesting meeting and a great programme. Also in attendance were Grant and Rosemary Mustard.

Sunday was Sandford Church’s anniversary. It was a great day and so nice to see a few who don’t come often. The minister was Wayne Reed, already known to a few of our congregation. Earle Lockerby assisted in the service. Ruth Baker and Alayna provide the wonderful music and the fantastic Melinda Delorme sang a beautiful hymn a cappella. Bruce Harwood and Bruce Smith were chosen to cut the anniversary cake. Both Gentlemen, and 2 generation before them, have been members and workers at this church all their lives. Next week the Zephyr congregation will celebrate their anniversary. Service there will be at 11 a.m. - note the time change. Children’s Shoe Boxes will be available to take home and pack with Christmas goodies for kids.

The Uxbridge Genealogy Group will meet via Zoom and in person, on Thursday Oct. 19 with the guest speaker being Allan McGillivray talking about the history of Uxbridge. Allan of course has done a lot of research on that subject as well as on the genealogy of many of the inhabitants and is often asked to do searches for families now scattered far and wide. Unfortunately the legion also has a lecture that night by Ted Barris. Too bad they are on the same night as many would like to hear both.

On Oct. 28 the Lucy Maud Montgomery Society will be holding their annual convention with several speakers, the usual delicious lunch and other events. The theme this year is “ Ewan with an E” since Lucy apparently always spelled her husband’s name as Ewen- like Anne with an “e” I guess. A interesting subject and something I have never heard mentioned before. Please call the church for information or check their Facebook page.

Some great news was sent out this week that a very large donation was given towards the construction of the Uxbridge-Scugog Animal Shelter. This project has been on hold for far too long and it is hoped that this generous donation will kick start the whole thing once more!

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