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Why do we struggle to hear God's voice?

by Tina Y. Gerber – McCurley

Several years ago, I was experiencing difficulties and didn't know what was wrong. My doctor, at that time, did testing and I was diagnosed with Diabetes. Last year I was once again experiencing problems, and finally discovered my Acid Reflex had returned, after suffering for eight long months.

This year was a planned Knee Replacement. However, sometimes, things seldom seem to go as planned, and I ended up with a viral infection and pain in my hands, fingers, and wrists, this was diagnosed as Arthritic Gout.

You've heard of the term 'body language.' This usually refers to the way one communicates to others through actions and expressions. As Christians we might focus on verbal communication and spiritual practices. Yet, still, body language is a crucial part of communication for everyone, including Christians. There is another take on this idea, so sometimes, we overlook the importance of non-verbal cues within the body?

The human body is a privileged arena of God's personal disclosure in our lives and deserves special attention. God's work in our bodies is not always immediate or evident.

I believe the Living God reveals himself as God through the experiences of the human body. This can seem like a difficult process to discern clearly, and when live in tiredness and frustration we can become a bit disillusioned. Okay, Lord I've had enough practice. Now what! I understand, medicine is a science, but surgery is an art; medicine is a science, but medical healing is an art. Where does this leave me and you?

I know scripture points its readers to the human body as a place where God's Spirit both is and seeks to speak. He speaks both with and for, all creation. The experience of a body in pain, reveals we need to learn to care enough to pay attention. This goes for caring for ourselves more properly and through empathy learning to care for others in society.

If one has not excepted 'Christ as God' and the ruler of their life, it will be impossible to experience the corresponding results. God's voice has certain distinguishable properties and He is in the business of communicating with His People. So, why do we struggle to hear it?

We need to learn to ask, in a yielded manner, to the way God wants to guide. “Lord, please open the door and open my heart.” God's volume is rarely turned on high, and it is often the subtle voice in our inner thoughts, our spiritual ears, restrained and easy to miss, if we are not yielded.

When my kids were young, I would yell to get their attention, which never really worked. However, if I whispered, I got a response.

Perhaps, God's hushed tones necessitate we are quiet and still, to recognize Him. Scripture says, "Be still and [K]now that I am God." Psalms 46:10.

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