DAN CEARNS The Standard
UXBRIDGE: In its ninth year, the Uxbridge ‘Honour Our Veterans Banner Program’ continues to grow.
This year, the program has seen 272 war veteran banners, placed on poles across the municipality. This is up from the total of 254 banners last year.
“We’re happy with the community’s support, happy with the support of the Township and the Legion in helping run it. We’re pleased, this year, to have a digital map for our banner program, so it makes it easier for our sponsors to find where their banners are,” banner committee representative Tish MacDonald told The Standard. Adding, “Ultimately, I don’t think there’s a day which goes by when the banners are up we don’t hear something positive, some positive story about the impact it’s having.”
The program’s website states, this banner program is an “ongoing legacy project [which] pays tribute to Canadian and Allied veterans and current services,” with banners, displayed between October 1st and November 12th.
“The inspiration, for our Uxbridge Honour our Veterans Banner Program, came after seeing a similar veteran recognition program in St. George, New Brunswick, and others in the New England States. With Uxbridge being a town proud of its military heritage and already [having] a strong tradition of remembrance, committee members were confidenta banner program would be extremely well received,” the website states.
Ms. MacDonald said, this program “has so much meaning for so many people.Our Second World War veterans who are still with us, who have banners, every year they are going out to see their banners, and they’re thankful, and it just gives us the opportunity to say thanks to them.”
Since it was launched, the program has inspired the creation of similar banner programs in neighbouring areas, such as Scugog Township, Brock Township and Whitby.
“We’re really happy we were able to help so many communities, in Durham Region in particular, but also across the country and even into the United States, to establish their veteran banner programs. We have a guideline package we send out to basically anybody [who] asks,” Ms. MacDonald said.
However, Ms. MacDonald is not surprised by how much support this program has received over the years.
“No matter what our initiatives are, whether they’re in the schools [or] whether they’re in the community, [they]’re always incredibly well supported by everybody.”
She noted, next year, 2024, will be a key anniversary for the program, 10 years in the Uxbridge community.
For more information on this banner program go online, to www.honourourveteransbannerprogram.ca.