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Port Perry MoJacks resuming play this month

DAN CEARNS, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, for The Standard

SCUGOG: After play-action went on pause for about a month, the Port Perry MoJacks are going to be returning to the ice this month. The Provincial Junior Hockey League (PJHL) announced the return to play on FaceBook on Friday, January 28th.

“The PJHL is so excited to be returning to the rinks! Games will be resuming [on] February 3rd! Thank you so much for sticking with us and being patient during these unpredictable times. We love you all,” the post read.

In early January, citing the current “provincial mandate,” the PJHL announced they would be pausing the season from January 5th until January 27th.

“As the largest Junior Hockey League in the world, the PJHL takes its responsibility very seriously to ensure the safety of all participants. And we will continue to work with our governing bodies, local health units and facilities to provide the safest environment possible,” the PJHL explained in a statement at the time.

The Port Perry MoJacks’ first game since the pause will be against the Uxbridge Bruins at Scugog Arena on Sunday, February 6th. The puck drop for that game is 2:25 p.m. They will then head to the road to face the North Kawartha Knights in Apsley on Saturday, February 12th at 7:30 p.m.

“Just seven games left in the regular season before playoff action! We can’t wait to be playing back in front of our awesome fans,” read a Twitter post from the MoJacks.

To see the MoJacks’ full schedule, go online to: or check out the Port Perry MoJacks Twitter page.

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