Hope everyone is staying home. It’s a hard time but we all can make it through this if we stay home and keep our distance from others when we really have to go out. Are you finding it hard keeping the kids busy? Here are some websites that may help: https://crayola.com/athome for some craft ideas, www.repeatcrafterme.com has crafts for kids and adults. Why not do a covid19 time capsule with kids to look back on in years to come. For a printout visit: www.familyfuncanada.com. Also visit this address: www.nosycrow.com, for a free book all about the covid19. Kawartha lakes library has many activities including a new digital escape room. For activities go to: www.kawarthalakeslibrary.ca/homeforcoronavirus. Pontypool/Bethany leaf and yard waste pick up will be May 8th, and June 12th. Let’s remember to spread the love and leave messages on the sidewalk or windows to thank all the workers out there. My daughter wrote on the mailbox post to share her message. Stay home and stay safe and healthy.