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PONTYPOOL by Coralee MacDonald

Now that we are in another lockdown people, are really experiencing a tough time. This is hard on kids because they are back to online learning and I know it’s not for everyone. If you need help reach out to your school, family, friends and even the community. This is a hard time for everyone and we need to be there for each other. It’s sad kids are missing out on so much, missing family friends, outings and so much more. Try to find things to do with your family, get outside and enjoy some fresh air. We can do this. Remember you’re not alone.

Thank you to the people in the Pontypool community that have been picking up garbage on the side of the road, to clean up our neighbourhood. You can also help keep our community neat and clean by cleaning up garbage, out in front of your house, by the side of the road and in the ditch, every little bit helps our community.

Remember to thank a frontline worker. Just saying thank you can brighten up their day.

Stay home, stay safe.

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