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Ontario Helping Keep Seniors Safe and Connected During COVID-19

ELRIC PEREIRA, Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility Office

The Ontario government is investing $4.5 million through the Seniors Community Grant Program to support over 180 diverse community projects. This year’s funding focuses on helping older adults stay connected with their communities while self-isolating from the safety of their home during the COVID-19 outbreak.

The funding will help non-profit organizations, local services boards and Indigenous groups develop programs by:

• Helping older men and women receive the support they need in their community, reducing demand for acute and long-term care • Ensuring older adults are less at risk for neglect, abuse and fraud, and that their rights and dignity are protected • Making sure more seniors are connected and engaged and not as socially isolated • Providing more opportunities for older adults to achieve greater financial security

“The health and safety of our seniors is a key priority for our government. And we are actively working to ensure all programs will make a positive impact on their lives. Especially during this difficult time when people are self-isolating,” said Raymond Cho, Minister for Seniors and Accessibility. “This year’s Seniors Community Grants will go towards virtual programs. That will help older adults safely access programs while staying socially active and connected with their communities.”

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