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Mental Health and Bullying

by Tina Y. Gerber - McCurley

I was blessed because I was never picked on in school, even though I was a slow starter. I made it through high school without much peer pressure when asking if I wanted smokes, drugs, or alcohol. However, I saw lots of bullying and peer pressure.

When I started a job in my 40's I got some firsthand experience with bullying. At that time, it never occurred to me I was being bullied as there was little awareness of what bullying was. I just dug my heels into the dirt and refused to let anyone intimidate or destroy my inner peace. When I look back, it was God's hand leading and directing me.

I was threatened and told to follow their rules, that they could and would make my life a living hell and get me fired! These few individuals (four), who imagined themselves "the boss on the unit", they believed they were beyond the reach of the faculties, with the union backing and protecting them. These ladies would stand together making up a false story, and/or situation to get me fired. I told them flat out, I would not lie, for them, the Pope or the Prime Minister, period! They wanted to get rid of me pretty quick. They continue to threaten me, over the next month. I was told if and when I was called into the office; I had no option and must back up my co-worker's story. These employees said you don't want her to get fired (for the offence she was accused of?) Then blaming me if this happened. I said, “Good, she needs to be fired, because we are dealing with people here, not merchandise, not events or things." They tried to reason with me, saying she needed her job to support her family.

Bullying is a form of aggression which can hurt, and isolate a person or group in the workplace, or school, even online. It was several years later when employees were educated on bullying. The most effective way to stop bullying is to create clear and direct policies which are well publicized to all staff. Bullying can be as simple as belittling someone, manipulation, lying, embarrassing another employee to a supervisor, unfair expectations placed on someone or shaming a co-worker in public humiliation or even physical abuse, spreading gossip or rumours. A bully says put-down remarks, hurtful teasing, coercion to dominate or intimidate another individual.

This incident came to a head, when these employees circulated a letter, asking other employees to sign, saying they witnessed me doing something I didn't do, (being rude, mean, and not respecting the residents' rights). I was still in my probation period as a personal support worker. Almost the entire day shift of personal support workers, housekeeping, to kitchen staff were signing, this letter/petition, even employees who I didn't know or hadn't worked with. Talk about being bullied, by the instigators and applying peer pressure to others.

It is important to be aware of the signs of bullying, at any level, to help you protect yourself and others. Two employees came to me, and informed me of this situation. I already knew and had started my own interviews and investigation, confronting staff who had signed and speaking with residents. Bullies often use passive-aggressive behaviour to make others feel insecure or threatened. Later, when I was cleared, several employees came to me and said they felt pressured and intimidated, saying "better you than me!"

Bullying, when not addressed, can and does lead to a toxic work/school environment which harms your mental health. Reporting bullying to your HR (human resource dept) teacher or manager can ensure the company will address the issues in the safest and most appropriate way.

While the Bible doesn't talk directly about bullying, we can still use biblical principles to address the issue. The Bible commands us to love our neighbour as ourselves, Mark 12:31 and to treat others the way we would like to be treated, Luke 6:31.

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