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Masking requirement could be lifted in Ontario by the end of March

DAN CEARNS, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, for The Standard

DURHAM/KAWARTHA LAKES: With a number of COVID-19 public health measures already being lifted in Ontario, the provincial government has hinted at the masking requirement being the next one to be lifted soon.

“There isn’t a person out there I talk to [who] says ‘I like these masks.’ But I’ve always followed the health and science [advice]. I’ve always listened to the Chief Medical Officer, and I continue to listen to him. Hopefully, a recommendation will come over the next week or so or next couple of weeks, and we’ll take him up on that recommendation,” Premier Doug Ford said at a press conference, on Thursday, March 3rd. Premier Ford had discussed a potential timeline for lifting the mask requirement in the province, during a press conference, on Monday, February 28th.

“What I’m hearing is, over the next few weeks, maybe after March break, when the kids get back, [the government can lift it]. But we’ll see. I don’t want to set a date.”

The Premier also spoke about whether the Ontario government will force municipalities to lift their COVID-19 mask policies, like the Alberta government is.

“I’ve always been a strong believer in working with municipalities,” Premier Ford said. “It’s all about working together and getting through this.”

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