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Last call expected on Lindsay ATV route decision conversation

DAN CEARNS, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, for The Standard

KAWARTHA LAKES: City of Kawartha Lakes council is expected to make a final decision this week on whether to allow ATVs on Lindsay roads. In a recently released statement, Mayor Andy Letham said he would call, for council members to decide on the issue of a Lindsay ATV connection route, at the October 19th Council meeting.

“A determination needs to be made, regarding the urban connection route in Lindsay, one way or another,” the Mayor stated. “Over the course of this past year, we have considered different options, heard many deputations, received many emails, correspondence and survey results. It’s time to stop trying to spin the data and [to instead] make an informed decision.”

He added, in the statement, this issue has put a wedge in the local community.

“We have had an overwhelming response from the public regarding this matter, and at this point, the community has become divided. We need to put this part of the conversation to bed. By the end of the discussion, there should be a clear direction on whether the municipality will proceed with a pilot connection route through Lindsay or not.”

On Council’s agenda, for the October 19th meeting, is a report laying out the decisions made by this term of Council to date, regarding the use of off-road vehicles on city roads. The report, authored by Public Works Director Bryan Robinson, also recommends extending the terms of reference for the Off-Road Vehicle Use of City Roads Task Force to December 31st.

Last month, Council approved a motion to have the task force look at by-pass options for a route around Lindsay. However, at that time, council did not approve a motion not to approve a route through Lindsay.

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