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God knows your suffering and the hurdles you face

The season of new beginnings: warmer weather, the flowers are in bloom and the trees and bushes begin to grow. April’s name came from the Latin word “aperio” meaning, “to open or bud”. Spring is such a wonderful time when flowers bloom, as you smell the lovely fragrance of daffodils, tulips and my favourite, lilacs. Flowers can make even the toughest person smile. It doesn’t matter where you live in the world, you can enjoy spring. I believe God designed flowers as a reminder of how beautiful and good He is. Most individuals know that God is loving and kind, but to experience all the blessings He offers we must first get close to him. To me, flowers are a symbol of faith and hope while others may see their beauty and love. But beautiful doesn’t do justice to the warmth that comes after a long winter. In our lives we experience death, anger, hurt, injury and may feel abandoned as we go through dark and treacherous valleys. No matter what winter or valley we walk through, there is always a spring. Psalm 56:8 says, God pays attention to our sorrows, every pain matters to God. We can embrace God in our trials with faith that God is doing a work in us and through us that is beyond our comprehension. Age is not just a biological function of the number of years or the physiological changes the body goes through: it is the product of the cultural norms and expectations that apply to each stage of life! Old age has taken on new meaning. The elderly are often lumped together, but the 65-year-old experience of life differs greatly from an 85-year-old. We need to connect many, more individuals disconnect when they retire. Be sure you stay connected to people you love. Don’t stop exploring or asking questions. Just because you retire you shouldn’t stop using your brain. Be inquisitive, that is the difference between getting old and aging. We learn through experience, education, observation, relationships and life is an incredible teacher! God gets the glory and we have the opportunity of growth. ­­God means for us to steward our bodies for His glory. Get your vision and hearing checked regularly. Even with the unpredictability of what’s happening around the world, stay active, walk, swim, Skype with family, and make sure you do some moderate exercise daily to help with your weight and keep your blood pressure down. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables to keep your heart healthy. Manage your stress and get enough sleep. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

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