Flashback from the Past
Originally posted in the PORT PERRY STAR, August 1st, 1957.
Bride-To-Be Honoured
A shower was held in Epsom Public School on Friday night in honour of Miss Carol Jordan, who will marry Mr. Bud Rose on Friday, August 2nd. The young folks of Epsom staged a Mock wedding which delighted the numerous onlookers. Rev. Archibald Flannelfoot (Darlene Christie) officiated at the marriage ceremony (?), which united Miss Carol Suzy Q. Jordan (Faye Asling) with Mr. Bud Elvis Rose (Rolly Holly). Miss Gertie Snooks (Pat Asling) played the wedding music. Given in marriage by her mother (Elaine Medd), her father (Doug MacCannell refused in black watch plaid and a black hat with red roses, the bride wore a straight, pinned-up-the-front white crepe, her headdress was pink roses which held her floor-length-lace curtain, she carried a bouquet of weeds. Tiny Miss Nellie Fritz (Bill Anderson) was charming as a flower girl, wearing a yellow dress, white bonnet, stockings, and high heels. She carried a basket of colourful flowers. Miss Lizzie McCoy (Patsy Bailey), bridesmaid, wore a blue crepe with a red slip showing and a large garden hat adorned with petunias and carried a bouquet of catnip and carrots (she ate the carrots during the ceremony). Mr. George Doolittle (Keith Ashton) was the best man, and Mr. Sam Frankfutt (Art Powell) and Mr. Tony Flowicha (Alan Ashton) were the ushers. The groom's mother (Beth Ashton), in grey and jersey and a large straw hat, looked on sadly. After the ceremony, the bride and groom, attendants, and relatives left on the honeymoon. Following the marriage, Mrs. Yvonne Moore and Mrs. Shirley Chilton presented the shower gifts to the bride-to-be. After they were opened, both the recipients gratefully acknowledged them in a few well-chosen words. Lunch was then served by the ladies and girlfriends of Carol's, and all enjoyed a social time.