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EPSOM & UTICA by Faye Ashton

We wish all families well during these difficult times. Now during a lengthy shutdown until May 20th, we hope that everyone will obey orders to stay home to stay safe.

From the beginning, God asked Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit from the tree in the centre of the garden of Eden. You know how that turned out because they were thrown out of the garden to work for their living when they disobeyed. So because we have not followed the rules set out for us here, we are shut down again. Will we ever learn?

Our sincere sympathy to Anne Beare on the recent passing of her husband, Ivan. They have made their home in the area for some years now. One hundred and fifty years seems like a long time unless you remember how fast the last fifty years went as I do. I just wanted to remind everyone that Utica church has a date of 1871 printed above its door. The church has some of the best acoustics, in any building in this area, as many recordings have been created there.

Little Feliks Filatov turns ONE on April 19th. Born in lockdown and celebrating in the third wave lockdown. A drive-by gave us a chance to wave and wish him Happy Birthday. A zoom call allowed all the families from near and far to sing Happy Birthday while Feliks enjoyed his delicious cupcake.

Two beautiful birthdays take place this week on Wednesday the 21st. Queen Elizabeth will celebrate her 95th birthday, and Elva Elizabeth Kerry will enjoy another special birthday too.

Don’t miss durhamfarmconnections on Facebook to get an inside look at farming today. Last week on Thursday, the Link Greenhouses were featured. It was amazing the work involved in bringing us fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. I know dairy farming at the Wilson’s and beekeeping/orchards are coming up soon. Go on durhamfarmconnections on Facebook and watch for the next farm to enlighten us. It’s great to see neighbours on our road out walking and enjoying this beautiful Springtime. Please send news items to

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