UXBRIDGE: The proposed hotel project at Wooden Sticks Golf Club took a step forward recently, with councillors offering their conditional approval.
The hotel would be located on the same lands as the renowned golf course. Proposals have pegged the project as either being four or five-storeys, but those are among several details remaining to be addressed as the project proceeds.
The matter was before council at a meeting in September, as township planning consultant offered a report on the project and the application by Wooden Sticks to amend the township’s official plan and zoning by-laws to allow for the development of the hotel and an expanded parking lot on the Elgin Park Drive property.
Ms. Howson noted that “it looks like all the criteria in the plan can be met,” and added that it is “particularly significant” that the proposed hotel is within Uxbridge’s urban boundary, because that will allow access to municipal water and sewage capabilities.
“(Access to services) is really critical to ensure the environmental impact of this significant development is mitigated, and (the hotel) isn’t relying on septic and well,” explained Ms. Howson, adding that the project will also have to pass through a concurrent approval process through the Region of Durham.
Ms. Howson also added that addressing the many concerns voiced by local residents, including privacy, shadows as well as light and noise pollution will be addressed as the project moves forward with a detailed site-plan process.
“The township will use those concerns as a guide when they’re looking at the site plan and the detailed design” commented Ms. Howson.
Ward 4 Councillor Willie Popp noted that while council has agreed to the project in principle, the opportunity for the township to continue to scrutinize the plan and address the concerns of local residents is significant.
“We can look after (resident’s) needs and concerns while providing a facility that will enable us to have increased tourism in the future for the township,” commented Councillor Popp. “Approval in principle by council based on those guardrails allow us to do the right thing for our residents while doing the best thing for our community at the same time.”