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CAESAREA & NESTLETON by Eleanor Colwell

Caesarea Nestleton Euchre has been cancelled until the week of April 16th, considering the COVID-19 developments and supporting the government recommendation to avoid all non-essential social gatherings, to slow the spread of this virus. The March 12th euchre results were: Eileen Nelson finished in first place. John Kay was second and also had the most lone hands. Brigitte Moase came in third. Hazel Coated finished in fourth place. Jocelyn Bradbury was fifth. Pat Allemang, Lorna Edgerton and Shirley Oldfield tied for the mid-score. Judy Westall and Marg Cayer tied for the low score. Blackstock Cartwright Lions Club: Many of our Lions activities both at home and on a larger scale have been cancelled or postponed due to the virus. Here are a few: Since our meeting place, the Blackstock Recreation Centre, is closed and supported by our District Governor Debbie Dawson, we have cancelled our meetings for this month. The District A16 Effective Speaking Contest to be held on March 28th, 2020, at Trinity United Church in Newmarket has been cancelled for the safety and health of all concerned. All participating clubs will be contacted so they can inform their candidates. The MDA Effective Speaking Finals to be held on April 16th to 19th in Sarnia has also been cancelled. MDA will review their decision in one month’s time as to whether to cancel the event altogether for the Lions Year. A16 will also evaluate our options at that time. The March 30th Vision Screening Workshop is cancelled. The March 31st Certified Guiding Lions Workshop is cancelled.

Keep well, everyone.

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