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Brock changes a speed limit and considers changing several others

Brock changes a speed limit and considers changing several others

DAN CEARNS, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, for The Standard

BROCK: A change to the speed limit request has led Brock council to look at speeds on all of the Township’s gravel roads.

At a meeting on Monday, January 24th, councillors voted to direct staff to reduce the speed limit on Concession 10 (Brock) between Highway 12 and Regional Road 23/Lake Ridge Road to 60 km per hour, and to have staff, “investigate and report back on the feasibility of reducing the speed limit on all gravel roads within the municipality to 60 km per hour.”

A report from Director of Public Works Paul Lagrandeur explained the Township has had “several requests from members of the public to have speed limits reduced on both gravel and double surfaced roads in the rural areas.”

“These requests have been considered on a ‘as requested’ basis, and in most cases, approvals have been adopted and by-laws passed and implemented,” the report added.

Ward 4 Councillor Cria Pettingill discussed how lowering speed limits can impact climate change.

“When you drive more slowly, you use less fuel. This is something we really should discuss. Brock Township is filled with big pickup trucks which drive very quickly. Even if you are driving a small car and you drive fast, you are using way more fuel to get there,” she stated. Regional Councillor Ted Smith said there’s a diversity of vehicles using the township’s roads.

“Cars, trucks, lots of farm equipment, people riding horses and bicycles and [walking],” Regional Councillor Smith said. “There’s a lot of people on the roads. Much more than there used to be, and I think it’s a good move to take it to 60.”

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