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If only we could direct the weather and send the rain or the sun towards where it is needed most! Of course, there would be great arguments about where that is but wouldn’t it be great if we could send all this rain we are now getting to the coastal states of California, Oregon and Washington! Friends live just a two hours drive from where those three small towns were decimated and the one of only two roads out of their town is now closed off. Even British Columbia (BC) is noticing the affects of smoke in the air! And now another hurricane threatens the east coast! Nature fighting back surely! It’s good to have Reverend Diane Bennett-Jones back in her pulpit at Lansing church and to be able to listen in. One of the hymns she chose for Sunday’s service is a favourite of mine entitled “Living Christ Bring Us Love”. The third verse says “Living Christ bring us peace, Peace with God and neighbor; Living Christ bring us peace, peace in all our Labour.” There seems to be very little peace anywhere in the world, some more than others and others we don’t hear about but we hardly would recognize our world if wars, armed conflict, refugee camps, and other abominations were to cease. We are so fortunate to live where we do! Birthday wishes go out to Jerry Popodynec, husband of Karen Harwood. Jo-Ann Smith Lyons also celebrated a birthday out in BC. Jo-Ann was born and raised in Bethesday, a ghost community just north of Epsom but at that time a very thriving farming community. Geoff Carpentier also celebrated. Geoff is a celebrated naturalist and author who has participated in numerous bird and nature counts all around the country as well as leading many tours to other countries. Elaine Wilson married Bruce Wilson, son of Jimmy and Dorothy (Prentice) and took over the farm a bit north of me on the 7th for a number of years before deciding to move out west where they raised their family. Elaine continued to live there, surrounded by her family, after Bruce’s passing. Alex Lubinski celebrated his birthday by taking one of his four granddaughters up for a plane ride, his favourite pastime. Alex was born on the farm I live on, shortly before we purchased it from his father Alex and mother Nora (Bain). Before that it had been owned by his grandfather, also called Alex. Alex and his wife are awaiting the arrival of their fifth grandchild, who lives in New Zealand. Happy birthday and many more to all these people and anyone else celebrating a birthday Congratulations to Jackie and John Leppard, farmers up the way, who were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. Cheryl and Erwin Henzil celebrated their 42nd anniversary. Cheryl runs Sugar Fix and Red Hot Publishing on Brock Street while Erwin looks after the dogs. These two were also on the trip I took to the Yukon with Conrad and Lisa Boyce. Murray and Myna (Beach) Clarke will also be celebrating their 60th anniversary shortly. Both were born in Uxbridge Township but 40 years ago moved west and north a bit to the Hanover/ Bruce Peninsula area where they operate a large farm and Myna made a name selling Real Estate. Congratulations to all these couples and any others! Of course, some tears must fall. It was a shock to learn of the passing of Frank Ditomaso. Frank was the husband of Carole who both did so much for the Lucy Maud Society, especially when it came to the beautiful gardens. Their own garden at home was a wonderful place to see and Frank had created so much of the backdrops to grow and show off their gorgeous plants. Our sympathies to Carole and family! Jeanne Pearson, know by most as Jeanie was born just down the road on the 7th along with her brothers Bert and Jack, both predeceased. Jeannie was very active on the farm and in Junior farmers, particularly with music. She led the Junior Farmers Choir and a quartette that sang all over the country. The quartette was composed of her brother Jack, Walt Kerry, Alan Ball and Hugh Baird. They were the singing sensations of the time! In 1959 she was chosen to represent Canada, as a member of the Junior Farmers to tour the United Kingdom. She married Paul Bryan, had three children and five grandchildren. For many years she was the organist and choir leader at Sunderland United Church. Jeanne was a wonderful person and will be greatly missed by so many!

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