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When you read this there will only be a few days left in September. Impossibly we are into Autumn on Tuesday and this past week has certainly given us a taste of fall with below normal daytime temperatures and a frost one night. Some people are even counting the days until Christmas but unless COVID-19 numbers improve there might not be much celebrating even then, except that 2020 is almost over. Our farm friends and relatives are busy harvesting fairly good crops in spite of the August heat and lack of rain until. Our local farmers markets, in Sandford, and up the 7th are in full swing with a great variety of vegetables and flowers. They deserve your patronage. If you would like to know how to make cedar shingles Yvonne and Garry Harrison are your experts, having cut a vast, to shingle their buildings. Looks like a huge project to tackle on their own but they have succeeded. A very pleasant telephone call came last week from Dorothy Baker, who is now ensconced at Butternut Manor. She sounded so much better and is enjoying her life there, in spite of some restriction. She and Marg Barton get along well and she has chatted several times with Bob Meek. She was exited to tell me about an antique car rally that came into their yard, especially for the residents, who all enjoyed the beautiful old cars they remembered. Thanks you to whoever organized this. Celebrations this week included a birthday for Tanis Pottage Smith, a beautiful young lady whose activities and energy belie her age. She is a fantastic knitter, spinner and crafts person and that, along with looking after Bruce, keeps her young, as well as a having new grandchild. Mike Risebrough also had a birthday. Mike farms his multi-generational farm with great success and lots of hard work and I am sure his wife and three beautiful daughters give him a great party. Birthday wishes also go out to Steve Harwood. Steve has lived in the US for a long time now but usually makes it home once or twice a year. His sister Karen, and husband Jerry Popadynec are also celebrating their anniversary this week. This note came from Bob Kirvan who runs the Horse Shoe pitching games at the museum. “USHS 2020 Horse Shoe Championship was played September 15th at the Museum Grounds. Twenty-one women and men participated. Winners were Grant Manock and Wayne Brasseur, defeating Murray Smith and Peter Bouchard 21 to 9. Bob Kirvan presented the Kirvan Cup to the winners. Consolation Event Winners were Todd Snooks and Cindy Heagle, defeating Ted Eng and Earl Yake 21 to 10. Ken Watts presented the Ken & Irene Watts Trophy. Irene a Lifetime Member of USHS for many years, passed away recently and this trophy was given in her honour. Ken and Irene’s family members were in attendance for this presentation. All Members of USHS can play Horseshoes for free. Keep this in mind for next year. Call bob Kirvan at 905-852-9176 for particulars. Mack Moore and horse Satan participated in a barrel racing event at Bilby Ranch, Udora, off Ravenshoe Road, on Saturday. It was an NBHA event and she did really well. This is a team to beat and getting better all the time. Go Mack and Satan. Congratulations to Highview Farm, Grant Evans and Company for again winning some great honours in the milk industry and getting an acclaim in one of their major magazines. Congratulations to the now Reverend Stephanie Richmond in receiving her Reverend degree. Stephanie has been the minister at Seagrave/Greenbank Pastoral Charge for a couple of years but will now be moving to Janetville. She will be greatly missed by her parishioners. Stephanie was one of five ladies included in the ceremony at Sunderland United Church this past Saturday. Back in January my friend and neighbour Doreen VanVught passed away, after a long medical struggle. Her service was to have been held in the spring but COVID made that impossible. The service was conducted at Sacred Heart Church, Uxbridge, on Saturday. Again our sympathies to all the family and Ron. In regard to our own church services it has been decided, tentatively of course, that in-person Church services will begin at Sandford on November 3rd. Some of the safety features were tested at our Official Board meeting, in Sandford, back in August. In the meantime there are many virtual services to attend, one being Rev. Diane at Lansing United and the detailed one sent to us by Carol O’Neil. Carol will continue these until we go back. She will be our first in house speaker. Our sincere thanks to them and all other clergy who have worked hard to keep their congregations involved and informed.

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