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A busy, rather beautiful autumn week culminating in Thanksgiving weekend! I hope everyone had a great weekend with family, although restrained from what we might normally do. Here in our corner of the world we have much to be thankful for, living in such a beautiful country, relative peace and most-what we need, if not all we want. As Rev. Diane said in her message, “We should go from Thanksgiving to Thanks-living”! Lots happened this week and pretty well all good news. Carol Johnson and daughter Diane Spencer took a 4-day Denure bus trip entitled a Group of Seven Colour Tour through Tobermory and Manitoulin Island and beyond, early last week. Congratulations to Don Ross on his retirement. Don grew up in the Leaskdale area but he and Gloria moved to Town a few years ago and now, with both retired, can enjoy even more freedom. Congratulations to Eve-Lynn Swan on winning an award for one of her articles featured in The Standard during her too short stay. Congratulations also to Jonathon Smalley for his nominations into the Country Music Awards Ontario, for his singing. Big congratulations to Robyn Ottolini, who has signed a record deal with Warner Music in Nashville, Tennessee. Her record “F-150” was #4 on Spotify-All Genre US Viral 50 and top 3 on Rolling Stones-All Genre Trending 25. This follows being nominated in 2019 into the Country Music Association of Ontario! Not only that, but her photo was on the cover of “Breakthrough Country List” by Amazon! A big cheer for Ross Risebrough who has made one of his big wishes come true, since he was in hospital. He aimed to be well enough to be on his 4-wheeler and tour the farms and he has done just that. Lets hope and pray he continues to improve! Another young lady from the area who has made a name for herself in music is Leah Daniels. This time she did something different and was feted by a zoom bridal shower before her wedding to Tim Deegan. Many events are being held that way lately, but that is a first for that activity! Happy birthday wishes go out to a number of well-known people, including Linda Boyd. Linda was a driving force in starting and keeping the Uxbridge Genealogy Group going and served as Chair for a number of years. She spends most Tuesday mornings at the library assisting persons with their genealogy questions. Grace Evans also had a birthday. Grace is the youngest of the Simpson sisters, Lois, Marie and brother Jack (deceased). Grace still lives on the farm on Reach Road, while Lois and Marie are in Uxbridge. Lynn Rhodes Campbell (Walter) was raised in Uxbridge but now lives in the Sunderland area. She is a freelance writer, often for Focus Port Perry, and is Ward 5 Councillor for Brock Township. Best wishes also to Jamie Myslik. Eugene More now lives in the Peterborough area with his wife Pat, but spent many years growing up and working in Uxbridge! He was a councilor at St. Johns for around 30 years likely and was active in sports, particularly hockey. Nan Hill also celebrated a big birthday. Seems most of my friends have “big” birthdays these days. She and husband Grant lived in the Zephyr area and farmed for many years before moving into town. Unfortunately, Grant passed away a few months ago. And then there were the anniversaries! Best wishes to David and LeeAnne Ball celebrating their 24th. They farm the Ball farm on the 6th and LeeAnn is also a nurse. Augusta and Vince Winder are well known from his business in Uxbridge, for many years, and their church and community work. They have been married for 60 years! Jayson Steward is the chief piper in the Legion band. He and wife Nicole celebrated their 18th anniversary. Both their young sons are also part of the Legion Band. Best wishes go to Alicia Moore and husband Jeffrey P. Neskar, who were married two short years ago. So much has happened in the world since then! To the pleasure of all former Grade 12 students, graduation ceremonies, quite different from usual, were held at both Port Perry and Uxbridge High schools during the week. Congratulation to my niece Hayley Ashton and all those others from my alma mater! Congratulations to Dawson Ball and Xanthe Van der Gulik and all the others from Uxbridge High School. I am sure it is a big relief now that they actually have their diplomas in hand! A reminder about the donation for the Food Bank! If you wish to contribute for the Sandford UCW and church contribution, please send to Jean Sopel. Sandford would have celebrated 169/122 years of service to the community on October 18th. Zephyr’s was to be October 25th. Zephyr Missionary Church will hopefully celebrate their 131 on November 29th.

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