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One week into February! A little more winters and they are talking polar vortex. A cousin who lives in Fort McMurray, Alberta, said it is -43C there, so I guess we are doing OK!

Carol O’Neil always has some thought- provoking quotes before she even gets to her message. This is one from February 7th: “FAITH is sitting in the middle of the STORM OF YOUR LIFE and still being able to close your eyes and PICTURE THE SUNNY SKIES, STILL being able to FEEL THE BETTER days coming, despite the storm all around you. THAT’S FAITH!” There are so many storms around right now, all the more time to practice!

The Scripture this past Sunday continued in Mark, after Jesus and the disciples left the temple. In a busy morning, Jesus healed Peter’s mother and a leper. All but one of the services I listened to used this passage for their message, but one had a hymn sing. I know that for many, not being able to sing in church, our choirs or other places, is one of the worst things about this time. His congregation picked the hymns and all but one were the old familiar stand-bys our parents, grandparents or even great-grandparents used to sing. I guess that tells us something!

Some happy occasions this week to celebrate! First, Bruce Harwood will be 85 on the 10th. His family are hoping that as many as possible will send him best wishes. His email is:, and his address is: 10099, Concession 4, RR1 Uxbridge, ON, L9P 1R2.

Other birthdays are Jen Selwyn-Edwards. Jen has been working very hard as a nurse at Southlake Hospital and also does a wonderful job caring for all the cats and kittens she rescues and finds homes for.

Don and Elaine Cordingly are both celebrating birthdays this week. If anyone out there has not had shingles vaccine, talk to Don about that! Ruth Noble Murdock enjoyed a birthday. Ruth was born right here to her large family, many who live on this road, but moved to the USA when she married.

Bill Sanderson also had a birthday but in less happy circumstances because, as I reported last week, he is in Lindsay Palliative Care. Tish MacDonald noted that another of our WW2 vets was celebrating his 95 birthday. He is Jerry Barnes. Congratulations and many thanks!

My sorority sister, Betty Bignell, and her husband Gerry have celebrated their 50th anniversary and were completely surprised when their son Cameron arrived with a very large banner and hung it from their porch. Cameron and his friend live in Toronto so didn’t linger!

It was great to hear from Arlene Stearman this week. Arlene grew up on the farm next door with parents Cloyne and Jeanette (Dobson) and brother Robert. Arlene is presently living in Squamish, B.C. but as a geologist has worked and lived all across the country!

Our kids go back to school on Monday! We will see how that goes with these new variants etc. Scott Central is celebrating by holding a Storm Spirit Day on Friday. The kids are asked to wear green, black and white clothing. Rumour is that further opening of businesses will also occur!

One of the Sandford farmers had a note on Facebook asking snowmobilers not to run their machines on private property, especially since the field shown was sown with winter wheat. The compaction caused by the machines will kill the crop! I know several farms around where this kind of thing happens and should not. There are trails especially for snowmobiles and 4-wheelers. Interestingly, there was an article in Saturday’s Star about winter wheat, and regenerative and sustainable farming using cover crops, and their importance. I hope everyone read it as it an important step in better and more ecological farming!

We all know that Queen Elizabeth has been a real role model throughout the pandemic, forgoing many of the activities she would usually take part in. One such activity was the commemoration of the death of her father, George V1, on February 6th, 1952, age 69. It seems that the last few months have been a series of deaths of famous personages. From the latest of Christopher Plumber and Sir Tom Capt. Moore, through sports figures, other movie stars etc, all who lived a good long life and didn’t die from COVID!

A poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Out of the bosom of the air, out of the cloud, Folds of her garment shaken, over the woodlands, brown and bare! Over the harvest fields forsaken, silent and soft and slow, Descends the snow.

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