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Some beautiful sunny days, blue skies and cold temperatures, but since it was supposed to be the polar vortex hitting us, we can’t complain. The last one was 2014, and I remember well how everything cracked and boomed, the house and the earth around! One thing the cold weather has brought is several birds from the north, ones we rarely see. They seem to pop up here and there. Several snowy owls have been seen, one of the larger and more obvious species. There have been pine siskins (like I have here), pine grosbeaks, and several other owls.

Several people have seen bluebirds, which one would think should be south. I have had them briefly several times this week. Some people have had flocks of bohemian waxwings, a prettier version than the regular cedar waxwing. Most of these songbirds are searching for berries, crabapples, etc. Most years, I have lots, but not this year.

There are quite a few birthdays this week, and we will start with Marcie Clark. Marcie and Brad run a beef farm with a few other things thrown in and four daughters who love the farm as much as they do. A cake and homemade cards made her day!

Bruce Harwood celebrated a big birthday, and he turned 85. His daughter Brenda gave him a party of three, which included a zoom gathering with family. I am sure he enjoyed it very much! Many more for Bruce. Keep writing poetry and playing your violin!

Brothers David and Paul Risebrough share the same birth date, although born several years apart. David lives right here, but Paul lives further afield. There was no joint party, but I am sure there have been messages sent back and forth.

Doris Stewart, the former Doris Brandon, enjoyed her birthday by taking a long walk with hubby Ron and a few others. Those two are amazing. Doris worked as a dental assistant for Dr. Carl Puterbough for many years before getting married and raising three successful children.

Bill Lockie also celebrated an advanced birthday. Bill, Jacquie and his family lived and farmed many years in Zephyr before he retired and moved to Douglas Crossing. His daughters look after him well!

Jackie Leppard celebrated her birthday this week. The Leppard farm is just up the road a few miles and keeps her husband John and her busy. I always remember them helping at the Steam Show’s food booth, selling Kawartha Dairy ice cream. They sold a lot! Happy birthday to all these wonderful people and any others I missed.

Of course, we can’t forget that Pat Molloy and his wife Bev celebrated their 43rd anniversary this week. Although he is not so much in the news now, Pat is still quite active in community affairs. Bev is busy with many interesting hobbies. You should see that handsome couple on their wedding day! Many more great years, folks!

Some sadness too, of course! Last week I mentioned that Bill Sanderson had gone into the Palliative care ward in Lindsay, having just celebrated his 73rd birthday. Just days after that event, he passed away! Our deepest sympathies to his family and friends, and I know he has many friends in the area.

Another death was that of Lynne Gaetz, June 4th, 1938, to February 5th, 2021. Her husband Jerry passed away just a year or so ago. Prior to living in town, they lived in the Sandford area and attended many church events. Our sympathies to their family, including Eleanor Cole! They all loved music!

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned Altona Lea farm winning awards for their cattle. I said Donna Johnson Barkey had been raised in Glen Major, but I was wrong. Donna was raised in Pine Grove! I never knew the boundaries between the two communities! Mea culpa!

I received a letter from the Uxbridge Scott Historical Society this week outlining the past year’s activities. Of course, since March 2020, there has been little public activity, but things have progressed with all the new walkways, and volunteers have been keeping up the property. The Horseshoe Club was again a success, and they set plans for whenever the museum and grounds can open. In her free time, Curator Pat Neal was busy at home doing a lot of weaving of some lovely articles!

Listening to Rev. Diane this past Sunday morning, we were saddened to realize that there will only be two more services with her. She is retiring from Lansing at the end of the month. We here will miss her, as if she was still our own minister!

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