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Well, here we are halfway through March already and having passed several special days and coming up to even more. Monday, March 8th, was International Women’s Day. As part of our monthly meeting, now held on Zoom, we listened to the township about women in today’s world. It was an interesting series of talks and was discussed by the members afterwards. Women have certainly made great strides in most things, such as careers and professions, but there is still further to go for many.

The 11th was a day most would probably like to forget, as it marked one year since COVID was declared a pandemic. Millions have died worldwide. Economies have suffered, families have suffered, jobs lost, and mental health jeopardized. If we can hang on for a while longer so everyone can be vaccinated, we will finally see the end. Or perhaps it will be like the flu that comes to torment us every year, but science and medicine will then know how to deal with it.

Sunday, we changed our clocks! Too bad we can’t roll them back a year rather forward an hour. Sunday was the 4th Sunday of Lent, only three weeks until Easter! Next week the calendar says spring but we all know better than to think winter has had all its fun with us yet! Carol’s service this week was thought-provoking as usual and talked about Nicodemus, who came to Jesus at night. He turned back into the dark, but he finally saw the light. The following is a preliminary passage:

Darkness means the absence of light. Take it literally or the other way. It basically means one thing, the inability to find your way. In this life, getting lost in the dark is inevitable, but faith will guide you to the light. I love this quote: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. – Martin Luther King, Jr.”

Sunday was also PIE day in many churches. Mathematicians will know that the Greek Pi is 3.14 and that has been used to present March (3rd month) 14. The United Church, and probably others, have used this abbreviation to stand for “Public. Intentional. Explicit”. In becoming affirmative churches. Of course, many also take it the ordinary way and bake lots of pie, to sell or give away. This Monday is World Water Day. Take some time to think about what your life would be like without clean water, as many Canadians and people worldwide have to live.

Our sympathies go out this week to two families with very local connections. The Gibson family lived on the 6th line, on a farm now marked by very ornate gates. They were well known in the community for their activities and particularly their music, as many of the members played all over the township at various functions. Daughter Audrey married Kaye Evans from south of town. They were married 60 years before Kaye’s passing and farmed in the Pinedale area. They had two children, four grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.

Another well-known Zephyr citizen, Mackenzie (Mac) Meyers, passed away on March 2nd at age 88. Mac still lived in the home where he had farmed for most of his life. He and his wife Doris had two children, one grandchild and two great-grandchildren. Mac was a farmer of note who served on both the old Scott township councils and the new Township of Uxbridge council. Our sympathies to all their many relatives and friends!

Happy birthday to John Bakalaar, formerly of Uxbridge! John and his wife Wilma (Holman) owned a shoe shop in Uxbridge after assisting in the Holman clothing store. Like so many, John and Wilma are spending this winter in Ontario, their first in a long time. Also celebrating, doubly, is Eleanor Bagshaw, nee Beare. Eleanor spent over five weeks in hospital with Covid-19 and has been home for three, finally recovering well, so much to be thankful for. Happy birthday to these folk and all others who celebrated this week!

Finally, something to think about as the day lengthens and some of us can’t wait to get in the garden: “At the end of a day in Spring, you should smell like dirt!” Margaret Atwood. I already took her advice.

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