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The rain on Friday was “a million-dollar rain.” While it was surely wonderful to see how much there was and the area covered, it was, like many fortunes, soon gone. It sunk away after about five hours of steady downpour. I am sure the roots of many plants are feeling the love, but on the surface, it hasn’t made much difference. The dust is still blowing around! Hopefully, there will be many more, just as helpful showers soon.

Haying is still going strong, and fields around are greening up with new corn and soybean crops. Gardens are doing well if they have been watered. Gardening guru Charlie Dobbin reported Saturday that we are two weeks ahead of the usual spring schedule! That might explain why I already had to cut my garden garlic scapes. The peonies and iris are finished blooming while lilies and daylilies are about to open up.

The “Garden of Uxbridge” Tour, in aid of the Lucy Maud Montgomery Society, is scheduled for July 10th. There are eight beautiful gardens to tour. Tour hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with all COVID protocols to be followed. This is their 25th anniversary!

Lots of birthdays this week, starting with Standard reporter Dan Cearns! Dan is a young man dedicated to his work and ready to go wherever necessary. Somewhat older is Bob Kirvan, who, at 86, is a bundle of energy and always up for whatever needs doing. Our former minister Eiko Hosaka also celebrated a birthday, but her partner Ron has recently undergone two surgeries and so could not enjoy it fully. Eiko keeps busy making delicious-looking Japanese meals, which she sells. Love and best wishes to both her and Ron.

Another young man who is bound to do well is Ray Edwards, son of Jen Selwyn-Edwards and Gary Edwards, who turned the big 16 this week. Once more, many special birthdays and occasions are going by without too much fanfare, but it’s getting better!

Happy birthday to my sorority sister and friend, Doreen Johnson! Doreen is the former Doreen Whitney who was raised and went to school in Uxbridge. Her husband was also one of my distant cousins.

Some anniversaries of note are John and Wilma Bakalaar, who have been married for 59 years. A number of them spent in Uxbridge, where they were in the retail business before buying a lodge and retiring.

Louise and Steve Lougheed have been married for a little less time, 24 years. Louise is the former Louise Weir daughter of Lewis and Eldene, also distant cousins!

Barb and Tony Peck have been married for 52 years, a significant block of time. With Tony now retired, they have more time to devote to grandchildren.

Best wishes to our songstress Erin Blackstock who underwent surgery last week. A quick recovery and back on the road is wished for her.

There are a few deaths of note, although none actually from this community. The first is Irene Davis. The Davis’s have not lived in Uxbridge for quite a few years, but there are many who remember them. Doc Davis was the vet who all the farmers called upon, and Irene took the calls. Both were very active in community organizations. Don passed away a few years ago. Our sympathy to the families!

Ray Laswick was another well-known name in the township as he was in the hydro office and was called on by many people. He and his wife Betty were also quite involved in community volunteer work.

Rod Foster’s family was one of the older families in Greenbank. Rod continued the tradition and was well-known for his various sports activities and worked with both the community and church in Greenbank. All these folks have contributed greatly to the life of the greater communities of Scugog and Uxbridge.

Wonderful to see that Drs. Jenson and Wilson are being recognized for their dedication to education and service during the pandemic to the people of Uxbridge and the area! They have been tireless in their zeal to give correct information and influence residence to get vaccinated and follow COVID protocols. Their recognition has come from the University of Toronto, School of Public Health.

Horseshoes at the Uxbridge Scott Museum unofficially started on Tuesday evening. Officially they will begin July at 6 p.m. Two members have passed away recently, John Boland at age 73 in April and Russ McMaster 79 this past week. The bowling group will celebrate their fourth anniversary on July 4th.

Church services this week were mostly around the text from Mark, about Jesus calming the waters on Galilee. It was also Indigenous Day of prayer, a fitting reminder of all that has been happening.

“The secret of living well and longer is: eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure.”

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