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 So this has been the week of the rains! What a powerful but beneficial rain we got Sunday afternoon but it seems that, like many thing, it’s not equitably spread over the whole area, with some getting less and some none. I am sure that in the last couple of day the garden produce, squash etc, have doubled in size and most flowering. My potatoes are flowering too I came across this quote from Audrey Hepburn who said “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. “ Same is true whether it’s a few square feet or hundreds of acres!

The community sale in Zephyr a week Saturday was a great success with about 25 venders taking part. Bethany McGillivray and Lea Collinwood with wee daughters, played their violins outside and garnered close to $500 in donations for the Zephyr Hall. Best wishes to Joyce Leek who is temporarily at Douglas Crossing recuperating from a back injury. For sure she will be itching to get back to Chances Are now that they are in operation once more. Best wishes also to my sister Faye Ashton who had a knee operation on Thursday.

A big congratulations to Donna and Henry (Hank) Webster who celebrated their 52nd anniversary this past week. Diane and Peter Signal beat them by a few years by celebrating their 59th anniversary. Michelle and Peter Viney have a few years to go as they celebrated their 18th anniversary but they have great examples to follow!

After recently having an anniversary Yvonne Harrison also had her birthday and if that wasn’t enough excitement, husband Garry had his 76th birthday 2 days later, being 2 days younger than Yvonne. Not sure how old she is but years don’t count for her!

Cindy Barnett celebrated her birthday and as expected she was given a gorgeous birthday cake made especially for her but her daughter, the amazing baker Carleigh! George Moore, son of Brenda and Brian, had his birthday way out in Alberta, with good wishes only for now from his family. His aunt Margaret (Maggie Harwood) Eng also is in Alberta and had a birthday.

Double best wishes go to Debbie Jennings Wilson who not only celebrated a birthday but got good news from her doctor that she is healing well. We can hope and pray for continued good health!

Birthday greetings go out to Dave Beare, landscaper and fireman and also to his niece Karen O’Leary (daughter of Eleanor Beare and Rick Bagshaw) who also had a great birthday.

Cheryl Hinzel is a busy lady running Sugar FX and Red Hot but took time to celebrate her birthday and made sure to make a patio visit as soon as possible. Happy birthday also to Gary Johnson! Gary has taken over the Johnson family farm in Glen Major from his parents a few years ago now and his parents George and Helen Moved into town.

Elaine Cox retired from nursing several months ago now but only recently was able to take advantage of the gift given to her by grandsons Robert and Trevor, some time spent at Windermer Lodge. That’s the way to treat a great lady guys!

On a sad note Bob Kirvan reported that another horseshoe pitching member and member of the USHS has passed away. Keith Lamont was 85. Our sympathies also go to the family of 16 year old Jonathan Squire who passed away as a result of a car accident a few days ago. Just the day before and 84 year old man had been killed by running into a water truck on the Ashworth side road, just north of here, but I have not found a name. Sympathies to all families who have lost loved ones.

Congratulations to all those students who are graduating from whatever level, kindergarten, primary school high school or university. The last 2 years have been particularly hard I am sure, for both student and teachers. There are too many to list and no doubt there would be many missed so I won’t try but best wishes for whatever your future holds. Here is a poem from Face Book particularly apropos to today:

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