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Another week and April will be almost finished. There certainly is truth to the saying that getting old is like a roll of toilet paper- the closer you get to the end, the faster it goes! Our April showers are finally bringing on our May flowers, and it’s so nice to see some colour in the flower beds, those same beds that need a lot of work done on them soon if it would just stop raining and let the sunshine full out!

During the week, I was fortunate to spot three turkeys in my field, something not seen for a while here but often in other places. Turkeys were almost shot into extinction in Ontario, and these we now see have been re-introduced with great success. I was also visited twice by a beautiful bright yellow bird, a male pine warbler, a lifer for me as far as I can recall.

Today, Sunday was a good day, with beautiful sun and warm temperatures. There were three swans on Flumerfelts pond, which was wonderful to see. Not only that, but there was a meadowlark in the field, singing and flying around. This is the first I have seen around here for several years as they are getting scarce due to lack of pasture, their preferred habitat. There was also a kingfisher flying over the pond.

At home, I had the amazing sighting of the great blue heron making his first stop and photographing him catching two large goldfish, each the size of his bill. Some song sparrows were singing, the cardinal called repeatedly, and the redwings added their voice, along with the purple finch and the constant twitter of the many goldfinches. How I wish the rest of the world was that peaceful!

Happy birthday to Shirley Hewlett! Shirley and her husband Don were long-time residents of Zephyr, farming and being deeply involved in the church; they moved a bit north, near Bolsover, on the river, on retirement. She had a wonderful party with her two sisters and a niece to enjoy the day.

A big congratulations to Barb Murphy as she celebrated her 95th birthday! Barb has been and still is deeply involved in community affairs, particularly the Lucy Maud Montgomery Society. I first met her about 50 years ago when she and husband Ted, along with their eight children, purchased my former home, the original house and barn of the Lubinsky property. At that point, some of the children were already leaving home and are now scattered and doing well.

Happy birthday also to Helen (Mrs. Fred)Wilson. Helen was the former Helen Ball with siblings Lloyd (Dec) and Donna Baker of Saintfield. Helen is not in the best of health, but I am sure her extended family gave her an enjoyable party!

Happy birthday also to Brian Moore! It looked like a great party with family of all ages. It has been nice to see Steve and Sandra Harwood visiting from the USA, especially as Bruce recuperates.

Happy anniversary to Ron and Mary Anne Herrema, celebrating their 34th year of wedded bliss! It’s been a busy life with both working and raising two successful children and now grandchildren to play with.

Pat and Bev Molloy took a trip to New Brunswick to visit their daughter and her family. They had a great time with the grandchildren, of course, including a visit to the zoo. One little one has such beautiful red hair; I am envious!

Best wishes for better health go out to June Archibald, who has been spending some time in hospital and may have to spend more. June is an active advocate for the Zephyr community and is always willing to help with any project that comes along.

Tuesday was Earth Day. What did you do to make the earth a better place? Seems so little the individual can do, but there are small things that add up when done by a lot of people. The environmental crisis is getting worse and cannot be ignored. We all must do our part!

Our worship leader today was our own Adele Boy, whose message centred around the events of the second day after the cruxifiction, when Mary Magdalene was at the tomb and found it empty but, close by, a gardener, who turned out to be Jesus. The true Easter meaning! Once more, beautiful music by Ruth and Alayna! Next week we are back to Zephyr with Pastor Laura Kay leading the service. Join with us if you can.

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