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Happy belated Mothers Day to all Mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, step-grandmothers, aunts, great aunts etc. It was certainly a beautiful day to be enjoyed outside for all kinds of activities. I hope you were all part of some celebration.

Our Ashton –Asling family connection had a wonderful day together as it was the first time in two years, in many cases, that we had been together, and this was a special occasion. On Sunday, at Epsom United Church, a new Bible and bible stand was dedicated to our parents, Don and Stella Asling, Howards and Ruth Ashton.

Edith-Ann Shantz conducted the service. Julia Dempsey gave remarks about her grandmother Ruth Ashton. At the same time, her brother Rob spoke of his remembrances of grandmother Stella Asling-the up grandma and down grandma, as they called them from their living location. Jerry Asling presented the stand and Bible. Richard Ashton crafted the stand, and Faye Ashton arranged the whole service. It was indeed a day of celebration!

On the first Sunday of May, at Sandford United Church, the worship leader was Laura Kay of Zephyr, while Nancy Wolfe was at the organ. This was a real treat because it seems no one else plays the organ, and Nancy did it for us for about 33 years before retiring. This week Rick McKinley led the service with Ruth Baker at the piano. You don’t sit still when Ruth plays! Next week Carol O’Neil will be back with us, with Ruth and her granddaughter providing inspiring music. All are welcome to worship with us.

Congratulations to our five new firefighting graduates. They are Michaela MacDonald, Mitchel Ferraro, Clinton Harper, Luke Hurlburt and Kevin Marden. Congratulations, and thanks for entering this vital public service. Michaela will be serving while her father, Mike, takes on the position as chief!

Best wishes go out to Pastor Gord and his wife Karen Shreeve on their 24th anniversary. They are a busy couple with many jobs, including the pastorship of the Zephyr Missionary Church. Gord is also running as our Ward 2 councillor. In opposition to him for this position will also be our well-known Pat Molloy.

Beating them by years are Conrad and Lisa Boyce, who have been married for 25 years. We have been fortunate that a good many of those years have been spent in Uxbridge, where much of their great talents have been bestowed. Conrad has been planning a concert of the Foster for some time, but COVID and other circumstances keep getting it postponed.

Happy birthday to birthday boy Mike Kelland! Mike is still busily employed at Williamsons, where he has spent a number of years in their service. Having been born and raised in Uxbridge, Mike takes a keen interest in all that goes on.

Happy birthday also to Christine Wilson! Christine and her sister, Helen Wilson, added to three boys and integrated into the very large Wilson family. Birthday wishes also so out to Jennifer Neveu-Campsall. Jennifer is, of course, a well-known, very talented singer and musician, teaching both voice and piano and leading choirs. She is also deeply involved with her husband Scott in Okami Kai Martial Arts and Fitness, not only in teaching but also in the routines.

Lastly, big congratulations to our own Bruce Smith! Bruce has passed the recognized age of retirement some years ago now and has no intention of leaving his job with Green Tractor (John Deere, Arnold Kerry). He enjoys his job but also has a job at home on the farm where he cash crops his hay, so being this time of year, he gets very busy with this activity as well, as do all farmers in the country.

Bob Kirvan reported he had received three sets of horseshoes from people who had read this column. Thanks to those folk, and any more are welcome. Horseshoe pitching begins this Tuesday evening and every Tuesday after that at 6 p.m., with both men and women welcome. Membership allows you to be a member of both that club and the Uxbridge Scott Historical Society, a real bargain!

This past Thursday evening, there was a visitation at Greenbank United Church for Mary Jean (Dobson) Till. Mary Jean passed away in January, but due to COVID, no service could be held. Her service was at the church on Friday afternoon. Mary Jean was a longtime columnist for this paper.

Also passing away at the end of April was Shirley Lee, nee Ianson. Shirley had many family connections, one in the area being her son Brian, married to Mary Jean and Glen Tills daughter Janice. Her sister-in-law was Annabelle Ball, and Annabelle and Alan lived many years on the farm on the 6th Scott, now occupied by son David and LeeAnn. Another sister-in-law married Ted Murphy, the longtime Uxbridge family.

A shock shook the Sandford community when it was learned our most famous resident, Ken Welsh, had passed away. Ken was famous for his many major movie roles and stage productions, including Stratford and other settings in Canada, the USA and Britain. More will probably be known by the time you read this, but our sincere sympathies to his son and all his multitude and friends.

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