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Spring is certainly upon us. After that devastating tornado and all the wind and rain which came with it, we have had some very hot days, some cool days and more rain. I cut my grass Friday, and it was unbelievably lush and green after only a week. Most of the year, my lawn looks like a patchwork, as I have patches of wildflowers which come up. There are small purple pansies and some other tiny purple flowers.

Then came a large patch of pussytoes with some tulips growing among them. Now it is yellow and orange hawkweed which turns the lawn sun yellow for part of the day. Then there is yarrow and several other plants which spring up, no help from me and so colourful I hate to cut them down, so the tractor goes around them until their time is up. A lot less bother than the garden flowers!

Driving through town, one can still see so much of the damage done. There are several families whose home is not livable. The display which the museum staff had worked on for months was in the Orange Lodge, whose east end was flattened. Many homes are living with tarps over the roofs, and Trinity will take a lot of stabilization before any restoration can be attempted. Sadly, most of the trees that fell were the oldest ones, and any replanting will take generations before they contribute either to the charm or the town’s environment. I hope there are photos of the town before, compared with what it looks like from above now.

Last week our church service was at Sandford with Pastor Lauria Kay leading. We had our own great band with Ruth Baker on piano, her younger granddaughter Emma on violin and Emma’s mother Donna on the horn. What a sound! This week we were at Zephyr United Church with Carol O’Neil leading her Pentecost message. Ruth and Emma were our musicians for the day.

Following the service, at 1 p.m., there was to be a memorial service for Sandra Botham at the Zion Cemetery, with Carol leading that as well. Sandra was a Rynard with deep roots in the community. Our sympathies to Wes and his family. Lunch was served at the church following the service. Thanks to Linda Wagg and others for the preparation.

Our prayers and well wishes go out to Karen Rynard, who has been ill and faces more medical care. Karen has been working so very hard with our new Unified Board and many things which that entails.

Birthday wishes go out to Carolyn Hicken. Carolyn recently received the Senior Citizen Award for community service, a well-deserved recognition! Happy birthday to Amanda Vander Gulick, who has become a Sandford resident. She and Cyndi are making quite a few landscape changes in Annabell Jone’s old house and yard.

Just down the road, Bryan Smith also celebrated his birthday with his wife Andrea and their three cute kids. Bryan sells an opposition brand of tractor etc., then his dad does. Happy birthday also to Bob Blackstock of Zephyr. His children are doing very well, and he enjoys his grandchildren.

A young lady who was born around her but does not live too close now is Beth Elford Mitchell, daughter of Lois and Harry Elford and only daughter with a number of brothers. It keeps her mother Lois busy wishing all her many children and grandchildren birthday wishes.

Happy birthday, wishes also go to Gloria Cox Ewen. Gloria was born and raised on the 6th concession farm, where brother Murray and Elaine now farm and moved to town when she and Sandy were married. Stacey Brown Kearley is a very successful real-estate agent with Re/Max. For many years she lived on the west end of the 7th of Scugog with her family, father Ron, quite a well-known artist, and mother Lorraine and siblings. They were our neighbours!

A very happy anniversary goes out to Judy (Warren) and David Risebrough on their 46th anniversary! Judy was raised in town where her father, Jim, owned one of the hardware stores and her mother, Aileen, looked after her three daughters and one son and helped wherever she could. Jim passed away many years ago, but Aileen is still getting about, enjoying her many grandchildren and great-grandchildren, five of whom belong to Dave and Judy.

The time for Decoration services is upon us, with many in the area happening in the next few weeks. Tentatively, the one for Sandford Cemetery is planned for Sunday, June 19th, at 2 p.m. at the church. Watch for confirmation of this here and on FaceBook and other media.

News came this week that Rev. Dr. William Fritz has been honoured with a very special recognition, the 2021 Service Award from Emmanuel College, the United Church theological college from which he graduated in 1959. And he is still serving, leading services and organizing various events. It is always a treat to have him as worship! Congratulations to Rev. Bill!

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