So, here we are in another brand new year. By the time you read this, we will be almost at the end of the first week; before you know it, another month has gone by. Woosh! It’s been two weeks, and many people have had things to celebrate and places to go. Here is something to remember as we go into the New Year:
When the song of the angel is stilled,
when the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and the princes are home,
when the shepherds are back with their flocks
The work of Christmas begins!
To find the lost, to heal the broken,
to feed the hungry and release the prisoner;
To rebuild the nation,
to bring peace among others,
to make music in the heart!
By Howard Thurman
Some of those who had birthdays or anniversaries are Bill Ballinger, former mayor of Uxbridge, Gerald and Larry Ross, a few days apart, sons of Laura and the late Morley Ross. Gloria Ross, the wife of Donnie, celebrated a couple of weeks later.
Judy Warren Risebrough, who has just spent many months working with the committee on a downtown gathering place, and Shelley Dick, wife of Bruce, who enjoys her grandchildren. And Carol Smith, who now lives in Port Perry and worked many years at St. John’s.
Congratulations to Kendra Igbokwe, granddaughter of Don and Shirley Hewlett, who has become a Doctor of Pharmaceuticals. A big congratulations also to Michelle Viney, who celebrated a birthday but also recently graduated near the top of the class from her paralegal course! Another birthday wish goes out to Derek Kokkinen, Co-Owner at D&S WATER WELL SERVICE LTD. And Stephanie Hackner, one of Rev. Jim and Sandra’s lovely daughters, is studying Human Anatomy. Happy birthday also to Kelsey O’Connor, granddaughter of Brenda and Ken Moore. Kelsey also just became engaged and plans a wedding next fall.
Despite the weather, the Messiah had a very good attendance for the two nights they sang at the Baptist Church. I understand a couple of patrons did have falls on the ice outside, but I am sure the inside was wonderful. The Standard Newspaper owners, the Greens, hosted a party for staff and volunteers on the 22nd, and it was nice to meet many of the other folks who contributed in one way or another to publishing the weekly paper. After this, my sister Faye and I went to view the Gingerbread Village at the Library. What a beautiful setup that was. The structures made of gingerbread were excellent, but I was enthralled with those little moving centre pieces of skaters, skiers etc.
On the Tuesday of that week, the Seniors' lunch was held at the Centre with a full house and excellent food. Most enjoyed a couple of games of Bingo after the meal. The Bake sale and concert at Scott Central School were a great success. No financial gain was mentioned, but whatever it was will go to purchasing items the school needs.
Congratulations to Rita Gates, formerly of Sandford, on the arrival of twin great-granddaughters. The girls were born on different days, one on the 26th and the other on the 27th, about 6 minutes apart. Rita and her family now live in Norland near Gull River. Congratulations also to Walter and Lynn Rhodes Campbell on their anniversary. Lynn is again on Brock council, and Walter is still doing his beautiful paintings.
Best wishes for a full recovery of Gord Weatherup, husband of Susan Stewart. Gord suffered a very serious heart attack but, after three weeks in the hospital, is now home with medical oversight. Gord was raised close by here, and Susan was raised in Uxbridge, daughter of Doris and Ron.
Our condolences to the Doucette family in the passing of Laurel Doucette Wagg, a PSW. Mother Wilma (Card) passed away not too long ago, so a double sadness. The Doucette house on Joseph Street was also recently sold.
We had a lovely Christmas Eve service at Sandford United Church, with Adele Boy leading; her message took the form of being the angel Gabriel and his part in the Christmas story. Melinda Delorme was as wonderful as ever in voice and instrument. We know the storm kept some away, but they missed a memorable hour. Thanks to all those who presented gifts at the manger, for our Giving Month. All were distributed to Salvation Army and Loaves and Fishes.
Church this month will be at Zephyr United Church, at 10 a.m., beginning January 8th. All are welcome to meet with us!