Rain! We get too much and complain; it stops, and we get too much heat, which is just what the farmers want so they can haul in their hay. Judging from the huge loads going by on wagons and trucks, the crop is good. However, now we need rain again to bring in our gardens. I have seen some winter wheat which looks almost ready to cut; how the time goes!
Well, it didn’t rain on Saturday, but it sure was hot. This didn’t stop the many people who came out to view those eight beautiful gardens around here. Most were in the country, with only two in town. I was stationed at the home of Pat Cherry on the 6th. Pat has a pottery business housed in a gorgeous 150-year-old log cabin. I was excited about going there because Barb Pratt had said I probably knew the property. I doubted this until I googled it, and when I drove up the lane, I knew I had done this before, at least 40 years ago, and things have changed.
When I knew it, it belonged to Ted and Dorothy Brown. The Browns were some of the early folks who moved up from Markham, and they brought with them a wealth of great information and entertainment. They were into antiques and could repair anything. I have two matching chairs that Ted recaned for me. They loved to entertain in their beautiful house, and our church and UCW often held events there. I recall pouring tea at some event.
A co-worker, Willa Worsely, only a teen at the time, recalls making butterballs and seeing Ted make rope and many other things they accomplished. One of the most long-serving was the purchase of the Scott Town Hall, when Uxbridge and Scott merged. And they set up an accredited Museum, the first in our area! That building is now at the Uxbridge Scott heritage Centre, saved by their foresight. Owner Pat Cherry had her own story about how it came about that they owned the property.
My other co-worker was Sandra Will, and it was great to get to chat with her as people came by and also to see quite a few friends both of us had not seen for a very long time. I would certainly say the day was a huge success for the Lucy Maud Society!
Other activities included a BBQ hosted by Cindy Findlay at her home for Trinity ladies. About 20 attended. The Tapestry Choir at the Foster Friday night was a very harmonious affair and was well received by the large audience. We hope they come again!
Lots of other happy occasions this week too! Happy birthday to Doreen Whitney Johnson! Doreen now lives in Brooklin but comes up periodically to visit friends and relatives and join with our sorority sisters. Doreen is 82. Older by several years than her is our friend and ever-ready bunny boy Bob Kirvan, who, at 87, never seems to stop.
Garry Harrison also had a birthday, following on his wife’s heels. Both of these lovely folk were born in the Leaskdale area, and lately, Yvonne has been outlining some family history, including some of my family connections. What amazes me is that Garry has a spotlessly clean workshop, yet I know he is always working in there. How does he do it?
Cindy Barnett also celebrated a birthday this week, one which may be starting a new chapter in her life. Daughter to Marion and mother to Carleigh, she has to keep everyone in line. Happy birthday also to George Moore, son of Brenda and Brian, who now lives in Alberta. His aunt Margaret Harwood Eng is also celebrating in Alberta.
Birthday greetings go out to Cheryl Hinzel, who runs Sugar Fx, and Red Hot and always finds a patio to relax on. Happy birthday also to David Beare, another busy man! His niece Karen O’Leary has also celebrated a birthday this past week.
Big birthday greeting also to Debbie Jennings Wilson, husband Steve, who says her greatest birthday gift was finding out last week that she is cancer-free. I am sure most people would say this is certainly a birthday blessing.
Happy 23rd birthday wishes also to Mitch MacDonald, whose day came in the same week as his dad and mom’s (Mike and Tish) 32nd wedding anniversary. A happy anniversary wish also goes out to Peter and Diane Signal, who celebrated their 60th year of wedded bliss this past week. They are happily looking forward to the arrival of another grandchild soon.
Last week I said Hank and Donna Webster celebrated their 44th anniversary. Well, that was one of those memory things which pop up on Facebook. They really celebrated their 53rd anniversary, which sounds a whole lot better.
Prayers and best wishes for better health go to Karen Rynard, who has begun treatments.
Adele Boy was the worship leader this morning, and a special guest was Barbara Blower, who gave a beautiful land acknowledgement. Ruth and Alayna gave us beautiful music, and the service ended with a new song written for Indigenous Day, a truly lovely song.
Next week’s Decoration service will be a Zion Zephyr cemetery at 2:30 p.m. or in the church if there is inclement weather.