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Another week has fled, putting us into the middle of the month and a holiday weekend that usually signals the start of the summer with folks heading to cottages, having BBQs and other gatherings. Some of this has happened but not to the usual degree. However, I think garden centres took up the slack, as this was the first weekend they have been open. It’s been a good week to prep your garden. Back to remembering the good old days, another business that used to deliver every week was Bradbury’s Bakery. Bread was the main item, but they had all sorts of other goodies as well. The driver I remember best was Ron Monkman who drove for many years and eventually married the boss’s daughter Kay. The other business I recall was The Creamery. Mel Smith was the last owner. George Thompson drove for them for many years. He would pick up our cream and surplus eggs and leave butter in return, as well as payment for last week’s shipment. While the building where Bradbury’s operated is still there, the creamery was demolished long ago. Some of the same bricks are part of the library décor! More happy stuff this week! I missed the 22nd Anniversary of Gord and Karen Shreeves, who reside in the manse at Zephyr Missionary Church and keep very busy volunteering at Scott Central and other community activities. Last week, I mentioned the 50th Anniversary of Linda Postill and Ron Eng, who live on the former Flummerfelt property and have the mill pond where I so often stop to watch the swan pair, who have nested there for a number of years. I was also happy to be reminded Linda was once a patient of mine at the dental office. Another 50th Anniversary this week was for Jack and Lynn Bernier, who were feted by a drive-by car parade. Lynn usually keeps busy by leading tours, which are mostly for women only. Many of my friends have been part of those happy groups. Beating them all are Yvonne (Hackner) and Garry Harrison, who have been married for 57 years. To celebrate, they usually take a trip, but not this year and instead enjoyed a take-out breakfast and supper provided by their daughter Michelle. There have been a lot of birthdays these last few days. We start with the well known Ann Barrett. Ann made her mark around here as she was what everyone called “the animal catcher”. Not only did she catch stray dogs but she was always busy finding homes for those that needed them and removing wild animals from unwanted spots. Her real title was Animal Control Officer. She is also a wonderful cartoon artist and if you are in her presence for long you will find her doodling your image. Christine Acton celebrated last week. She has more time for that now since she retired from her calling as a dental hygienist. I am sure she is greatly missed by her former patients. Heather Moore found a birthday message constructed of lego on her floor, wishing her happy birthday. Usually she is busy helping her husband Mike look after all their cattle, as well as the kids, but I am sure she took time off for this. Erwin Hinzel also celebrated his special day. He and his wife Cheryl likely celebrated on their patio, as they’ve been wanting to do. Frank Van Veghel started out building log houses and other structures but the last few years had been helping his wife Donna with their gluten-free bakery, which they have been operating out of their Udora home for some time now, after closing the restaurant and bakery in town. Best wishes to Debbie Jennings Wilson who was given a clean bill of health after many operations and procedures. We certainly hope this continues in the future. Again, our congregations are blessed to have two lovely ladies who send us their services each Sunday morning. Rev. Diane’s services are also on YouTube, and so are many other local churches. It is amazing what different messages you can get from the same scripture texts. One message mentioned this was Rural Farm week. Coincidentally, another, in their minutes for mission, read about Five Oaks, the United Church camp. Having the facilities for accommodating large groups of people they offered to host the foreign workers coming into the country and who have to isolate for fourteen days. We know many farm operations across the country are relying on these people to help plant, maintain and harvest the crops that feed us and the world. Thank you for all those assisting with this.

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