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What is a present?

What is a present?

There are different applications for this word, but they really come basically from the same origin.

One is ‘right now’ or in this immediate season, be it the last minute, hour, day, week, month or period in which something is happening. This is the ‘present.’ This is what is known as a verb tense.

This overlaps with a second definition regarding when we talk about being present in life. Such as being in a certain moment and what that’s about, aware of a particular inward state and its implications, at a specific place or with a certain person or persons and their significance. We call each of these being ‘present.’ This is what is known as a state of tension.

Another way we use the word is one we are all very aware of in this season, that of giving a ‘present.’ The quality of which is what is known as paying attention.

If we were to combine these meanings, they can be very helpful in life. For instance, let’s address the verb tense, we are now in Christmas time. For those of you in denial, wake up or you’ll miss the moment.

We have an opportunity here; to refocus, to grasp the intimacy of the goings-on and enter in to all the good things this season and the day of Christmas provides. Think of it, we have a moment to connect at a slower pace, to put aside anxiety for ‘being present’ with the ones we love. This can mean via a zoom call, through other social media, telephone, or even better, actually getting in the same home with those special people. If they are our established social intimacy group, then we are Covid safe. This can remove the tension. This is a possibility of something better; if we put the stress aside, we can find the gift of ‘being present.’

It is also a time when, if we approach it with the significance it exists for, we will ‘give presents’ to loved ones which will touch their lives. Oh, it may cost us a little more in time and ‘being present’ in the process of choosing that gift, but the contribution to someone’s life is always worth it. Giving of ourselves somewhat parallels when God gave His greatest gift to humanity in Jesus Christ. As the Christmas song says, He was “born to raise the sons (children) of earth, born to ‘give’ them second birth.”

This is the ‘present season’ we are in, a special moment in time, and if we recognize that properly we will reflect on its proper meaning and implications and can enter into God’s ‘presence’ as we focus on the gift of His child offered to be born in our hearts, as He was in the manger. In the turmoil of the time, He was Peaceful, in the seeming obscurity he was ‘presented’ gifts by kings, shepherds and family. They all recognized His amazing presence as a gift for all of us.

Let’s all be present as we give presents in the present season of Jesus’ presence.

Happy Seasoning

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