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Uxbridge taxes going up

COURTNEY McCLURE, for The Standard

UXBRIDGE: Residents living in the Township of Uxbridge can expect to see their property taxes increase by an average of 2.31 percent since last year.

“When the budget process began last fall, Council and staff were keenly aware of the fiscal challenges that COVID-19 has had on budgets, programs and services,” explained Finance Chair, Councillor Bruce Garrod. “During the budget meetings, Council worked hard to keep the levy increase as low as possible, while continuing to put aside money to support future capital projects, complete our strategic priorities and continue the level of service expected by our residents.”

Pending Council approval, the 2021 budget will include total expenditures of $28.8 million, comprising $17.8 million in operating expenditures and $11.0 million in capital expenditures. The projected impact of the operating and capital budgets on the 2021 tax levy is expected to result in a local property tax increase of 4.27 percent (net of growth, on average) to taxpayers. It is expected that your total property tax bill (including local, Region and education taxes) will increase by 2.31% during 2021. These numbers are not final until approved by Council. The 2021 Budget includes a 2% increase in funding directed to the asset preservation levy to fund future capital projects.

For those who don’t know your property tax bill is divided into three parts. The Region of Durham gets 58 percent, public education gets 15 percent, and the township keeps 27 percent. This means that Uxbridge’s portion of property taxes is increasing by $5.80 per month, which is around $70 a year.

“This is the second year of lower taxed,” said Councillor Garrod. “It was very difficult to achieve but Council recognizes this is a difficult financial time for residents.”

Uxbridge council is working hard to maintain the services that the public is expecting, but, they want to minimize tax increases where they can. “My goal is to continue the trend of lower increase next year, if possible,” he explained.

The Treasurer for the Township of Uxbridge, Donna Condon, will work on finalizing the budget’s numbers. She will bring the Operating, Capital budgets and the Budget Report to the Finance Committee to be approved on February 1st, 2021.

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