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Township of Uxbridge Presents Citizen of Distinction Awards

UXBRIDGE: This Canada Day, the Township of Uxbridge presented Citizen of Distinction Awards to front-line staff who worked in local care facilities where COVID-19 outbreaks occurred. The Township recognized three COVID-19 outbreak locations in the Township, Douglas Crossing Retirement Community, ReachView Village and the Uxbridge Cottage Hospital, for their efforts to contain and manage the virus. Mayor Dave Barton said, “All our front-line workers have been outstanding and deserve credit and recognition for their dedication to our residents, their personal sacrifices and the care they have provided at a great personal cost themselves. We chose to recognize the workers of these three facilities as the toll has been even greater for them. They continued to come to work knowing the risks and faced a lot of additional hardship and emotional stress working in a COVID-positive environment. In other communities, employees abandoned sick residents in their hour of need. I want to recognize these employees for being dedicated to our residents and caring so much so as to see it through. Well done.” The Township provided a framed certificate to each institution memorializing the efforts of staff, and all workers/volunteers received a certificate for their efforts. The Pickering/Uxbridge MPP, Honourable Peter Bethlenfalvy, presented certificates to all three care facilities and to the individual workers for their tremendous efforts. To date, there have been 104 cases of COVID-19 diagnosed in Uxbridge and all but four cases are linked to one of the three institutional outbreaks.

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