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The Uxbridge Public Library is creating how-to videos


UXBRIDGE: “Our mission is to bring fun programming to kids this summer, in a safe and exciting way,” explained Ethan Goldsmith, Head Coordinator of the Uxbridge library’s summer programs. “When I got hired [at the library] my task was to create programming for children throughout the summer and from there I attempted to come up with ideas surrounding both online programming and live/virtual programming,” shared Mr. Goldsmith. He came up with the idea for the library staff members to create and upload the crafting videos to the library’s YouTube channel. The library’s summer programs coordination team is made up of three members: Ethan Goldsmith, and his two assistants, Kayla Pilkey and Morgan Koehne. They have filled the library’s YouTube channel with how-to-videos, showing viewers how to create their own crafts, by following specific instructions demonstrated by the library staff members. There have been a couple of “interactions” on the public library’s Facebook page. “The best reaction [we received] was while we were having our TD Summer Reading Zoom call session,” said Mr. Goldsmith. “Two of our younger reading participants followed our ‘How to make a solar oven’ video and showed us their homemade solar oven from a shoe box. It was pretty exciting to see our videos reaching the kids and have them filling their summer with fun and wholesome library content!” All the feedback the library Facebook page has received has been positive, according to Mr. Goldsmith. Also, people who have watched the YouTube videos and followed the instructions have left positive messages, some commenting the crafts are amazing. In response to a video explaining how to reuse old crayons, Mr. Goldsmith remarked: “Love the cornstarch mold idea”. Positive comments make the production of the how-videos rewarding for the library summer programs’ team. “We have approached the summer with new ideas for programming and seem to be getting a lot of participation with the community, considering the circumstances,” he added. The videos are posted daily throughout the week, running Monday through Friday. Residents can expect a new video to be uploaded every day at 12 p.m. until August 31st.

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