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The Road We Take

Travelling the road with God is far better than the setting out or the arriving: it is the living in the middle.

Setting out is filled with all the expectation of the length of the road, the difficulty which may be met and the trepidation of possible failure.

Arriving is a point of departure from the road, like the loss of a character you've become acquainted with or have come to know and so trust or anticipate. Though it is release, it's still the looking to a new unknown.

However, the road in the middle with God is where we learn, where we try and fail and get back up again, as He imparts encouragement to our soul. It is a time when our very best friend provides direction and new ability amidst the processes He has sent for us, to integrate with those gifts. It is within this humility, His kind of strength can be shown as the perfect strength. It is the environment in which we discover we are loved beyond circumstance and learn to live in the truth of that embrace of God.

The beginning and the end are both God's business, but being in the middle is where we live and flourish with God. This is the Goal of goals, the Place in displace where we find we should've been all along, and the Purpose of purpose. This is the Life in life.

Thanks be to God for His indescribable ways.

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