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Slow down and drive safely!

DURHAM: Did you know speed is a contributing factor in approximately one third of fatal motor vehicle collisions? Reducing speed is the best way we can reduce the frequency and severity of collisions in our community. While traffic may be lighter, during COVID-19 as residents continue to stay home, road safety is more important than ever and we all must use roads responsibly. For drivers, that means slowing down and remembering speed limits are not guidelines, they are laws. For cyclists and pedestrians, it’s important to remain vigilant and follow the rules of the road. By focusing on road safety, you help work towards Durham’s Vision Zero goal that no one be killed or seriously injured as the result of a collision on our roads. Learn more, at Durham Region is also working on programs to help achieve this goal, including Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) and red light cameras, coming soon to Durham roads. When these programs launch, vehicle owners will be automatically fined when their vehicles are captured breaking the law. Learn more about ASE at and red light cameras at We all have a role to play to keep our communities safe. Let’s slow down and make sure we all get to our destinations unharmed.

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